Time flies when you're having fun. Wednesday is already drawing to a close. The middle of the week is over and I still have so much I want to get done. It's not that I haven't already gotten a great deal done, it's just that I wish there were more hours in the day or that I didn't have to sleep, lol. I have a lot of coding to get through and I also like to get a little play time during the day.
This morning the forums were back up so my work went much like it does on normal days. I managed to get some wiki work done and got a good deal of coding done on the D20 system. At some point during the morning Rachel noticed that one of the banana trees in the yard had been blown over during the night. I went out to take a few pictures.
I worked for a couple more hours after I took those pictures. I wanted to get my morning walk, but I was up to my elbows in code and didn't want to just stop in the middle. Well, that and Rachel wanted to come with me and was busy doing one thing or another until almost noon. I did realize that I'm going to have to trim the D20 system back for WoM. There's just too much to the entire system to try and fit it all in at the moment. Especially when you consider that WoM will only use a portion of it. I'm going to start with that basics and then build up from there.
In any event, we eventually took our walk.
The brown and tan building and the yellow building with orange shutters are both bread depots. Fresh bread is delivered to them daily. I took both those pictures standing about 10 feet from my front door. that's what it's like around here. You're surrounded by little Mom and Pop shops selling everything from cooking oil to cell phone minutes to electricity. Some times it's cheaper to go to town to get what you need. Sometimes it's cheaper right here. You have to check prices before you decide. Anyways, we walked on.
The above pictures are a house being built on what was an empty lot just weeks ago. Those of you keeping up with my blog may remember me taking pictures of a backhoe clearing a lot. Well, that's the lot.
That's a breadfruit. It had already gone soft so we left it. Still, I'm getting closer to finding a ripe one :)
Once we got back I did a little more work before it was time to call it a day. I included playing some Civ 5. I really have to hone my skills on turn based strategy games. I'm no longer as good as I was in my youth and in the next couple of months I have to start writing the AI for a very complex TBS. Next month I am going to have to put more time into playing.
Either way, before too long the kids wanted to go to the sea.
With a mask, a snorkel, and a little patience you can find some interesting things.
Obviously I'm wrapping it up for the day. I didn't get any work done on the maze generator, but I hope to tomorrow. It's hard to say where the time goes, it really is. I plan to wrap up some things on the wiki this week. That will free up a little time. Of course, the counter to that is that I'm going to have to spend more time on the forums. I may just have to start working longer days again. I'm going to see how the rest of the week goes before I decide.
Well, that's the news from down our way. I hope things are going as well for you guys as they are for us. When you find the time come down and see us. I think you'll enjoy it. That's all for now. Good night from Dominica!
Enjoyed the close-ups of the kids. I'm hoping it will be sooner than later before your dad and I get there. I want to still be able to do some things before we get too old!