Last night was the coolest night we've had so far. I got close to cold. I actually needed a sheet. Fortunately Rachel had taken the precaution of putting one on the bed before she went to sleep. I wanted no part of it as I drifted off, but by about 4AM I decided I needed it. There was a wind whipping through the room that was almost chilly. At least, it was after being used to near 80 degree temperatures at night.
When I got up at 6AM it was still wasn't “warm” yet. (Don't get me wrong, I could have walked around in the yard naked without feeling any chill, I just wasn't uncomfortable at all.) However, as the sun climbed so did the thermometer. I believe the high in Roseau today was around 88. I don't think it was much cooler here. It was just warm enough to produce a little perspiration and a little bad temper.
Being almost hot for hours on end wears on the entire family's nerves. I am certainly looking forward to the cooler climbs of Pont Casse. Of course, I am also looking forward to getting re-established here where I don't have a long list of things to spend money on staring me in the face.
Anyways, all that has very little to do with the fact that I got up and started gaming as soon as I could. I did have to handle some e-mail work and what not before I started playing, but I got it wrapped up pretty quick. I started with several hours of Civ 5. It was a way to play and work at the same time. (It really does have a good GUI. Some of the features are very clever.) Around 10AM or so I went for a short walk, camera in hand.
I ran up on a hermit crab and kind of got a picture of him.
At one point on the walk I was beside a wall of dirt and rock about twenty feet high or so. It makes you wonder why the whole thing doesn't just tumble into the sea.
Before we went to the sea today I started working on something. I wanted to get the first video up on YouTube. I did and here it is:
I hope to put more up soon :)
Anyways, I took a few more pictures for you to see.
I hope to wrap the night up with TV and a little more gaming. I started working on this blog hours ago. (Well, from a video point of view.) I'm going to wrap it up here. I hope you enjoy it! Good night from Dominica!
Loved your surprise! Looking forward to more!