Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Day Of Rest

Happy Father's Day! Anyways, a day of rest. That's one of the things Sunday is supposed to be. I'm glad to say that this one pretty much was. I did very little actual playing, but I still got to rest and relax. Of course, at the start of the day I had a little e-mail work and what not to take care of. And I wanted to try to finish a game of Civ 5 that I've almost beaten, I got the e-mail work finished, but not the Civ 5. Either way, it wasn't long before it was time for the kids to get up and get ready for Church. Benjamin tried to pick his own cloths out this morning.

We felt that was a failure and made him change, lol. Services were enjoyable (focused on father's day obviously) and I took the opportunity to take some more pictures from the Church house roof.

We were invited to the Bellot's for lunch and had Mahi-Mahi soup. It was good and we had a great time. I did forget to take the camera though, so I didn't get any photos. I tried to make up for it on our trip to the sea.

As Sunday is suppose to be a day of rest I'm going to call it here. I still have things I want to get done tonight, including making some phone calls. So, Happy Father's Day from Dominica!


  1. Happy Father's Day to you too. Looks like y'all had a wonderful day together. Love you all!

  2. Mom,
    Be sure to show Dad the last photo of the blog today. When we were talking on the phone earlier he asked me if they had grass here on the island :)

  3. I typed a long comment and when I tried to publish it got into cyber space some place. Any the just of it was,... more photos of the kids needed and doing every thing they do like standing on their heads, playing in the house and out and maybe a photo of the puppy you said was there at your house. The one of then petting the dog was good. The one of Ben in his church clothes before could have be followed with an after and maybe one with what all the others wore to church too. So I want to see my family not the country side.

    1. Come see us and you can take thousands of pictures of the kids, lol.

      I need my own big boat...

  4. Oh Dad saw the grass photo too
