Of course, our kids know how to deal with being trapped inside. In fact they just generally prefer to be inside most of the time.
I took a couple pictures of the cloud cover and a break in the clouds.
Later in the day I decided to take an explore because the rain had stopped. The first thing of interest I came across was a python. Sadly a car had been interested in it first.
I took a number of pictures along the way, but the lighting wasn't great. Also, pictures can't catch the scent of countless flowers floating in the air or the sound of the rain dripping through the trees. Plus, of course, I really need a better camera.
Before you ask what that last picture is I have to tell you I have no idea. I was this big thing in a tree. That's all I can say for sure. Even though it looked like I was in the middle of a tropical jungle in the middle of nowhere I ran up on some power lines.
A little further on I caught the scent of what smelled like recent fireworks. As I walked along the scent became more like that of eggs. Yep, I had walked up on a natural source of sulfur. I took some pictures, but you can't really tell how yellow it was. It was an interesting patch of nothing in the middle of a lush forest.
Once I ran into that dead end and deiced it was time to head back. I had chosen my route strategically. Rachel's been wanting me to pick up a couple of coconuts for a few days. I figured I knew where I can find some. As you can see I was right.
I saw what seems to be a rare sight around here and deiced to take a photo of that as well.
The rumor is that we can buy local milk, but we haven't tried yet. Anyway, up to this point my day had gone very well and I had gotten a lot done. I was finally coming up on “break time”. I tend to goof off from 2 to 5 playing video games and what have you. Joey had gotten home early, so we were going to hop on Neverwinter. Sadly my computer decided to go nuts just as I was about to get on to play. I've been fighting it for hours and I'm not the only who's been suffering from frustration. Isaac had gone bananas right in the middle of everything. His Mom knew what to do though.
He's asleep in case you can't tell, lol. A few minutes later Lovell (one of the girls from the Scotts Head congregation) showed up with her laptop. It's having some problems and she wanted me to take a look. (It's just been a day for computer problems... even Mom E. had some this morning.) While I had a scan running the kids wanted me to take them to the sea. I decided I might as well. I had the time while the computer was doing it's thing. I took a few pictures, including some of the impeding storm clouds.
Another interesting fact about Dominica is that if they ever have lightning it's not deadly (at least that's what they tell me). The Bellots seamed a little surprised to hear that back home people would occasionally get killed by lighting. Here they're afraid of the rain, but not the lighting. (I admit we haven't seen any yet, but they claim they have it sometimes.) Either way, we don't worry about going down to the sea because of a “storm”.
By the time we got back Rachel had dinner ready.
It was black eyed peas and turkey ham with cornbread. It was very good and I had two helpings. My computer war continued after dinner. It's been about an hour since I typed that last line. I think I am making progress thank God. Benjamin's computer started doing the same thing mine was. That proved that it wasn't my machine. After a few minutes head scratching I got his working. I'm using my computer to work on Lovell's hard drive right now. Either way, I'm burned out and am likely to spend the rest of the night working on computers.
So, good night from Dominica.
P.S. - I didn't post this last night because the power went out. I think it was only out for a couple of hours. Either way, by the time it came back on I was already in bed. I didn't feel like getting up to finish the post, lol. I'm sure you understand and I hope it was worth the wait :)
This was worth the wait and thanks for the help with my laptop/printer wi-fi connection yeterday. I'm still hoping for another post tonight, however.
ReplyDeleteI hope to post in just a few minutes. And I'm glad to help when I can. (At least I am when it's all over, lol.)