I awoke to a day packed with potential (as most are) and was blessed enough to take advantage of it. I got to work bright and early and had quickly plowed through my e-mails and various forums posts. Before I moved on to start typing away on the many game docs I'm working on I took a few pictures just outside the house.
I was actually taking a few minutes break, but figured I might as well so you guys some of the views right out side the house. Anyways, after an hour or so of adding more and more information to those ever lengthening documents I decide to take a very brief walk. I don't think I was gone half an hour.
After I returned I had to take a few minutes and work on some Console Classix work I've been putting off for a while. That also went well, although I admit I decided to put some of it off until next Monday. I had thought about going up town today, but changed my mind since I've got to go on Wednesday anyway. I really need to combine trips. I need to go by the bank and the immigration office. I want to open an account at one and apply for residency at the other.
Either way, I decided to take a few pictures of the kids around the house today. Just trying to fill the demand. I'm not sure how high the interest level of the general public is, but the grandparent interest is very high!
Just after Noon I started my two hour Civ 5 session. I'm not sure what else I'm going to learn from it, but you never know. If nothing else it frees up my mind and let's me see how people did things in a game very similar to Worlds of Magic.
Right around 2PM the kids wanted to go for a sea bath. This time Ben went and Rachel stayed home. As usual the kids had a great time.
Once we got home I started working on some experimental code for creating mazes procedurally. It may not seem like much fun, but this is kind of the “hobby” side of coding for me. It's something we may use in WoM in the long run. For now it's just something to distract myself with. Well, that and it's a way to practice writing programing docs and then coding from them. It's a skill I've really got to master.
Rachel cooked Chicken and Dumplings for dinner. It was a welcome taste of home. There's really a lot of “homey” type food we can cook up here. We've just got to get all the ingredients we need to keep on hand. They've got several kinds of “greens” they grow locally, including spinach. We need to get some and cook em up.
Anyways, it's getting late and I'm getting tired. So, good night from Dominica!
Thanks for keeping up with the blog. It does help keep me from going crazy since you don't seem so far away. Love and miss you all.
ReplyDeleteWe're not that far away really. It's the modern era, lol. If I could afford an airplane we could come to visit every other weekend if we wanted. :)
DeleteGood photos of the kids and we grandparents love it. Titus is getting fat looking. Ben is real active in the first photo there. I have been getting stuff together and sort of packed for putting it into the barrel in the next few days.
ReplyDeleteWe appreciate all the effort. The kids are doing very well. We hope you'll be able to come take a look for yourself before long. :)