Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Work And Play

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Or so they say. I freely admit that I believe it's true. When you work all the time you begin to loose your ability to imagine. I've been working most of the day for days on end. Well, today I had a good reason to take a little break. In reality I should say “have” a good reason, because up to this point I haven't actually been able to make use of the reason yet...

You see, the third Gamers movie came out today. At least, if you backed the movie on Kickstarter it came out today. For everyone else it comes out tomorrow. Needless to say I want to see it now. Why can't I? Thousands of people are trying to watch it and we've had a bit of trouble loading more than a few minutes at a time.

While we've been waiting I've taken a few breaks from work and we've taken some pictures.

Some of the above are examples of what you get when you let Alec hold the camera. Anyways, I also went on a fairly long walk exploring my surroundings.

Rachel is working on making sugar cookies at the moment. As soon as they're done I think we're going to try to play the movie. Obviously I'm trying to get a jump on my blog work right now. I may have some more work to do after the movie, but things are quiet right now. I decided it would be best to do what I could right now to make my evening a little less busy.

I'm probably going to end up working through the weekend again, but next week should calm down a little for me. We'll have a lot of the anchor mechanics in place and Les will be doing what he does at Gamescom. All things considered I don't expect to be too busy. Of course, the week after that (I think) we're going to try to launch another KS to raise more funding for the game. We want to add as much to it before release as we can. In order to do that we could use more funding.

In any event, I think I just heard the timer on the stove go off. I'll be back in a while :)

Well, I'm back. I mean like right back. It turns out Rachel has decided to go ahead and cook dinner since it's so late in the day. Depending on how long that takes I may come back, finish this post, and put it up early. For the moment, however, I'm going to go do a little more work. Sometimes taking time off is more complicated than it seems, lol.

So, dinner's over and I'm still waiting on Rachel to finish the cookies... I'm going to get some resting in here sometime soon... Really... I am...

Alright, so I've given up now... Here are some more pictures.

Again you'll have to forgive the image quality. The lighting in the house is rather muted, lol.

Alec has gone to take a picture of the dog's teeth. For some reason he really wants me to post it in tonight's blog. I would guess that he's aware that most of you know what a dog's teeth look like. I suppose he just wants to work something into the blog in his own way.

Well, he's come back having failed and has asked me to put up a blurry one he took earlier. I suppose I will...

Alec is the type of young man who when you've taken him 1800 miles from home to a tropical paradise wants to take pictures of dog's teeth. I suppose it's a good thing. He was happy at home and he's happy here. I suppose if he were banished to Siberia he would be happy, provided there were dog's mouths to look into. It just goes to show that it takes all kinds. Of course, I'm not exactly sure what it is it takes Alec's kind to do, but rest assured I'm on the look out for it. I'm hate for him to miss his moment, lol.

Well, it's late now, shockingly enough. Lord willing, I'm about to get to watch Gamers: Hands of Fate. Time will tell. For the moment I'll simply wish you all a goodnight from Dominica!


  1. The dogs teeth look pretty regular to me there Alec. I just looked at Spikes and he has a very small bit od tarter. Alec can brush them when he gets here

    1. Making him brush Spike's teeth is a good idea. Maybe it will give him his fill of dog's teeth for a while :)

  2. Well, I had to laugh through Alec's picture, of course. Yes, let's make Alec brush all the dogs' teeth when he gets back!

    Rachel, you are looking good and so do the sugar cookies!

    Love and miss you all,
    Mom E.

    1. We love you and miss you as well. It won't be long and you'll be down here with us :)

  3. Hope you all enjoyed the cookies. Thanks for the picture of Alec. He looks happy. As for the dogs' teeth, Alec always is interested in things the rest of us don't see. Guess that's what makes the world go round.
