So, this is day two of no Internet. It's the first time we've been without Internet from more than one complete day. It's also the first time I have a blog post without any pictures. I plan to just jam in some of the ones I've been saving to keep this from being boring. At this point I have no idea when we'll get the Internet turned back on. The guy came out and spent about an hour and a half here. He couldn't get it fixed and thinks it might be the DSL Modem, but for some reason he didn't have one in his truck...
He said his partner would need to come out and bring us another one and that he might get me out here today or first thing tomorrow. At this point I'm really not sure what to think. To be frank I have no confidence that he'll be able to get us up and running tomorrow. Depending on when you read this you may think what I'm about to say is crazy... I'm thinking about trying to find the money to get plane tickets ASAP.
I hate to even be considering the idea. It's almost like something out of a bad dream. I've got to get back in touch with the guys I'm working with. At this point that is going to mean walking down the road until I get picked up by a bus going to Roseau and then catching a bus that's headed toward the airport and getting it to drop me off here. It's not the kind of trip I want to make. It will take me all day to get to Soufriere and back... Why would I be going there? To use Dilian's Internet to let Leszek know what's happened to me.
It may not seem like a big deal to some of you, but I've been working on this game for more than a year and I really want to see it succeed. I was supposed to get some information to Leszek to send on to the publisher(s) that are currently looking at Worlds of Magic. I have no idea what's going on or when I'll be able to get in touch with him. It's like suddenly being temporarily out of work. I don't like it...
I've done what work I can offline. I've spent hours and hours working away and trying to stay positive, but this is really bad. I can't just suddenly drop out of work for days at the time. This is something Lime doesn't seem to understand. We've been having Internet trouble for a week now. Just Tuesday I shelled out EC$259.00 for a month's worth of service. Since then I've had about two and a half hours of technical support and I still have the same issue.
It may seem crazy to be considering flying back to the US over this. And I REALLY hate it for my parents sake. I certainly don't want to throw their vacation in the trash can, but I don't know what other reasonable options I have. I don't have the money to line up another house here and go around shelling out thousands of dollars in deposits again. If we have to move it's going to be back home. There we have a support circle. Most of you have reliable high speed Internet and at the moment that's real important for me.
I hope I'm over reacting and that early tomorrow the Internet will be fixed and that this will be posted before Noon. Somehow at the moment, however, that's just hard to believe. Either way, I must bid you farewell. So, on the evening of August 29th 2013 we were wishing you a very good night from Dominica!
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