At some point I may get back to blogging about what you see in the pictures. However, for the moment that would read something like “I went for a walk and walked around walking and once I had walked way down the road I walked back walking.” Alternatively I could talk about work while one of the kids took pictures of me every few minutes sitting at a keyboard typing. I suppose it might be interesting to watch the shadow move around me as I sat in the same place all day. Still, all things considered it's probably best that I just use the pictures as eye candy to dress up whatever I happen to be talking about.
Today I've been thinking about a number of things. Our Internet here has slowed way down for some reason. As a result I can't make phone-calls home. I called Lime, but it's Friday, so they couldn't send a man around until Monday. Well, we'll be gone all day Monday, so I had to make the appointment for Tuesday. One thing added to another today until I had one of those “I wish we could go home now!” moments. It's mainly the aggravation we've had with the Internet since we moved out here. Well, that and wishing I could eat a Burger King chicken sandwich.
Now, I readily admit that it's pretty shallow to put fast food on my list of reasons for wanting to go home. I can only assure you that if it was the only reason we had we wouldn't even be thinking about leaving this place. It's just that, as we're going back to the US anyway, I might as well get a chicken sandwich, lol. Obviously we miss everyone too. However, that's the kind of thing where you think to yourself “Eh, we'll see them in a few weeks.” It's another thing to have to think to yourself “I'm going to be fighting Internet issues for the next two months!” Especially when you make your living on the Internet.
Speaking of that, my living is going very well, thank the Lord. Les (WoM's producer) is at Gamescom (as I'm sure most of you know) and had meetings with several different publishers. More than one showed an interest in Worlds of Magic and we hope to have a firm offer in the next few weeks. If that happens we'll have more funding to complete the game as well as a distribution channel already in place. All things considered it's very good news for us :)
I also got a chance to work on a new roleplaying system I'm designing today. I realized that D20 (the system we're using now) isn't a perfect fit for the next game I want to make. So, in my spare time I've started working on a new system from the ground up. It's going to be open to the public and anyone will be able to use it for any reason. I'm hoping that fact will pull people into the project that can help me make it happen. I've only just started the work and it's a “spare time” project, but I have a good feeling about it.
Rachel and the kids pretty much did the same old, same old today. Rachel cleaned and cooked, making the boys help a bit here and there. The kids played computer games or watched videos on the Internet. Nothing particularly remarkable really. Although we are having turkey and dumplings for dinner, which is nice.
Either way the time has come to bring this to a close. So, goodnight from Dominica!
Enjoyed all the pics tonight. Your daddy fought our internet all afternoon too and right now I'm directly hooked up to the internet with a cable (instead of wi-fi) and I still can't get the video I want to watch to load. Maybe by some magic it will later on. I did get several laughs from your daddy's working on the internet. To be honest, he would start laughing (that laugh he does when something IMPOSIBLE is happening) and then I couldn't help it! He is entertaining! He did NOT get upset with me, which was good, because I honestly could not help it. lol
ReplyDeleteI'm glad he got something working for you. I'm not sure what's wrong. As soon as my Internet is working right I'll see if I can't help :)
DeleteThe flowers are so pretty. I've seen that fruit in the stores in Aiken but I can't remember the name of it.
ReplyDeleteThe flowers are beautiful. And that is Starfruit, which happens to be one of Alec's favorites :)
ReplyDeleteThe flower photos are nice but I love the kid pictures. Can't wait to hug them one and all. The puppies are growing. guess I will go for now think I will go work upstairs a while.
Mom, we don't have a fridge ergo we don't eat leftovers. Turkey may go back quickly, but not so quickly that it's not safe to eat while it's still warm on the stove, lol.
DeleteI'm sure the kids are looking forward to you giving them all hugs. And McDonald's of course :)
What are the children's reactions to coming back to America?
ReplyDeleteIn the main my kids are always happy. They loved the idea of moving to Dominica. The love the idea of going back to the US. And they love the idea of coming back here in 2015. Live is easier when your children are flexible people, lol.