Now, as those of you keeping up with the blog know, today we planned to go to Scotts Head and visit the congregation there. Tonight was the Singspirational as well, so we planned to spend the day in Soufrier/Scotts Head and then go the to the song service in Castle Comfort this evening. Well, that's exactly what we did and let me tell you, it made for a full day, lol.
Of course, we had a surprise curve ball thrown at us this morning. Brother David showed up to get us a 9AM almost on the dot. We piled into the bus a few minutes after loaded with everything we figured we would need. We even had a couple of buckets with us just in case. The roads around here can make you car sick after all. We thought we were prepared for whatever we might run into. That wasn't exactly the case...
Just before we reached Soufriere Alec's body locked up. He couldn't move and could barely talk to ask for help. At first I thought the commotion was because he was car sick. He wasn't... Ben managed to get him from where he was, near the middle of the bus, to me up front. His hands were clenched and he couldn't move his arms at all. I grabbed his bicep and it was as hard as rock. Immediate I thought “Potassium Deficiency”. Fortunately (for me at the moment) Sam had been hospitalized with it twice. In the land of bananas (which is what Dominica is) no one was familiar with the symptoms. Thank God, I was. I called brother Dilian to let him know we were on our way to the building ASAP and that I needed a bunch of ripe bananas when I got there. He found some and as soon as we got there we starting feeding them to Alec. Within about twenty minutes he could feed himself, twenty after that he could stand up on his own, and twenty after that he was basically fine, just exhausted. I double checked the symptoms after we got home. He had three of the top four signs that a person has a potassium deficiency (Anerexia is the forth and strikes me as a “long term” condition). I am going to make sure he eats more fruits, especially bananas. In fact, we going to get some multi-vitamins for the kids. Either way, that was how our morning started.
Services were excellent, as usual. Alec managed to move to a part of the bus where he could hear the sermon and they took the Lord's supper out to him. Of course, during communion Isaac decided he didn't like what he was seeing and as soon as Abby picked up her cup he yelled at the top of his lungs “No! Stop drinking beer Abby!” Needless to say, that got a laugh out of the congregation. After service we had a dinner and Alec was well enough to join us and eat a plate of “Not bananas”.
Once dinner was concluded we went to the point at Scotts Head to look around and go for a swim. That is where most of the pictures were taken. And, yes, I have a LOT more to share. Lord willing I'll be able to share them Tuesday. I didn't have batteries for the underwater camera, which is really too bad. It was the most beautiful underwater area we've been in so far by a long shot. No worries though, I plan to go back with plenty of battery power :)
After we were done swimming we went to the Bellots' for about an hour and a half. It was then time to load up and head to the Singsprirational. We were all exhausted and so Dilian made arrangements for our group to sing first. We did our two songs with the rest of the Scotts Head congregation and headed out. We just made an appearance really. It's now 8:30PM. Rachel has cooked dinner and we are all dead on our feet. So, I simply must take the opportunity of wishing you all a very good night from Dominica!
It would more than likely be a good idea for all of you to be on vitamins and Rachel nursing the baby also. As this condition seems to be one that can happen at any time without a warning. So if someone were in town or something the locals may not know how to treat it. For some rason the pictures didn't come to my computer for a little while but now they are okay, I must have found the blog before it was completely on some how. Keep feeding all the bananas Alec wants for a while i think.
ReplyDeleteYou may be able to locate some potasium pills too.
We actually had bananas sitting on the counter at the house. Alec just hasn't eaten enough of them I guess. Either way, we're going to pick up some multivitamins.
DeleteOh my goodness! Literally, thank God you realized quickly what was wrong with Alec. You might not know this, but Nana almost died once because they gave her medicine that took all the potassium out of her system without giving her anything to REPLACE the potassium. By the time they figured out what was wrong with her, she was near death! I was a teenager about 14 years old then. Yes, please get multi-vitamins for ALL THE KIDS and you and Rachel too. I did not remember you had seen that happen to Sam twice! I know it was an exhausting day and I sure hope Alec is feeling better by tonight. I'll be happy to see more pics later on. What an eventful day!
ReplyDeleteLove you all,
Alec was fine by last night. And I didn't actually see it happen to Sam, but he worries about my potassium levels sometimes and ends up reminding me about it every few months, lol.
DeleteAlso don't forget to bring me a rock. Tere were lots of good ones there in that one picture.
ReplyDeleteWe're going to try :)
DeleteTomorrow, I want to see pics of Alec (and ALL THE CHILDREN) eating bananas while taking potassium tables and multi-vitamins! I'm kind of kidding and kind of NOT! That SCARED me!
You worry too much, lol. If I hadn't thought I knew what was going on we would have taken him to the hospital. Anyways, it's a matter of me buying more fruit (which is dirt cheap). I just have to make sure to get plenty :)