Really, in my opinion, there are a number of different kinds of “those days”. There is the classic “one of those days” where nothing seems to go right and whatever you do turns into some convoluted mess. Then there are the “those days” that are just crazy busy where you don't have time to think for reasons good or bad. A third type of “those days” is when you and everyone around you seems to wake up just not feeling 100%. Well, today was one of the “those days” of the third variety.
A number of things have been leading up to it, but what kicked it off was a weird night's sleep. With everything that's been going on the kid's sleeping schedules have reached the “not a schedule” level. We still don't have mattresses for everyone, so some of us are always sleeping on the floor. And now we've introduced the idea of “going home” into everyone's mind. (I'm just going to stick pictures in here to keep this from being boring, lol.)
This is a great place and we couldn't wait to get here. We've had a great time and met some really wonderful people. On top of that we're really excited about coming back in 2015. However, for the moment, we want to go home. Yes, even me :)
This has been a most excellent adventure and it's taught us a lot. One of the main things we didn't have enough information on was pricing. We had no way of knowing that, whereas rent, electricity, and food are low, prices for things like electronic equipment, furniture, and appliances border on the outrageous. Of course, this is no problem if you have a “friend in the camp”.
You see, now that we know the Bellots we can send them barrels filled with things like televisions, computer parts, window AC units, etc. When we come back we're going to have a lot more of the things we're used to just sitting here waiting for us. We may even send a washer and drier down. (Maybe even a dish washer, although no one uses them here).
Anyways, that's not really the point of this post. The point is that everyone has been tired and a little grouchy. We don't have enough computers to go around or a single regular old TV (we watch everything on computer). There's only one real chair to sit on and a few inflatable mattresses to share. This was going to be the month where we went out and bought all the little things we still wanted here. We were even having a barrel shipped in with two TVs!
Now things have changed though. Since we're going home in two months there's no point in getting all of that. I'm going to have spent almost half my time in Dominica sleeping on a pallet on the floor, lol. On top of all this there's the fact that Rachel's laptop went nuts the other day. There's something wrong with the hard drive and I've been working on it on and off for days now. So, being short on computer/tv equipment already we're down one laptop at the moment.
Still, it's just a matter of gritting our teeth and holding out for two more months. In the main we still love the place, we would just like to sit down on a couch and watch TV, lol. Also, we would like McDonald’s, Chick-fil-a, Buirger King, Captain D's, Chinese Food, etc, etc, etc. It's funny how much you miss the “taste of home” when you spend several months out of the country. I plan to take everyone to KFC before we leave here, but I think I'm going to wait until October.
Either way, it's time to wrap it up. I'm tired and have stuff I want to get done before I start watching Doctor Who. So, for now at least, goodnight from Dominica!
I had a long message typed, hit some key on the bottom, and it blipped out out whole message. Anyway, send the kids out foraging for stumps, pieces of wood, and stones to make benches with. I think I would do like I see "survival" people doing on tv and bringing in layers of vegetation to make a soft comfy bed. What about a hammock? Do they cost a fortune there? You should have at least watched the episode of "Mythbusters" before you left where they made everything out of duct tape and bamboo. You should have packed your suitcases FULL of duct tape! They made a table, chairs, cups, plates, sandals, and boat, and hammocks all out of bamboo and duct tape. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? OK, I hope you are laughing as much as I am now, but I think I would give in and buy a chair or two (at least like the plastic one you have)and give them to the
ReplyDeleteBellots when you leave. Maybe you should research what kind of foliage you can bring in to make a soft bed out of. I mean, I KNOW you read Robinson Crusoe!
Love you,
In more dire circumstances I think I could "craft" a little furniture from the wilds. However, a nice warm pallet of blankets is better than any ferns we're going to find in the forest. And, although they make great seats, stumps are hard to pull up by hand, lol. A lot of the "survivor" type stuff looks cool on TV. It's a little different, however, when you're actually living on the edge of a rainforest and your job is writing video games, not making a TV show about living on the edge of a rainforest :)
Delete"Layers of vegetation to make a soft comfy bed?" A wet bed. Full of bugs. No thanks.