After a day filled with “Well, of course!” moments I've finally found the time to sit down and work on my post. Many of you are probably reading last night's post right now. So, I guess that buys me a little time to work on this one, lol.
There aren't as many pictures as I would have liked, but that's because the day was so very busy and I was distracted by so many things along the way. For instance, I completely forgot the camera when we walked down to look at the cabins on the property and so we have no photos of them. The members of my family who are thinking about moving down here will love them though. I may be able to get some photos of them tomorrow.
Either way, I'm, once again, going to rewind to the past. Last night after we had gotten in bed (well, Rachel was in bed and I was in pallet) we found a little visitor in our room. He hung around until morning :)
Those pics aren't great, but this one turned out fairly well:
He was crawling around our bedroom floor when I woke up. It was kinda funny because he ran into a pile of stuff he didn't want to crawl around and just flew over it and started crawling around again. He finally climbed up on one of our bags and settled down. We didn't want him trapped in the house so I dragged the bag out the door. He sat there for a while before he decided to fly away.
After that was taken care of I called Lime. I was greeted by no answers, disconnections, and wrong numbers. Finally I got through to someone who had the number for technical support. I called them and let them know all about my troubles. The tech assured me that it was no problem. He would log in remotely and take care of it.
Needless to say that gave me some feeling of relief. I decided to walk down to the stream with a few of the kids and start making plans for the future. I'm basically compiling a list of what resources we have to improve our lives and save us money here. For instance, we can grow a lot of food. With eleven mouths to feed that can make a real difference in your budget. I took some pictures while we were down there.
Dilian called sometime around there to let me know that he and Freddy were packing up the things we had left at the house yesterday. It turned out they also got help from a friend of Freddy's (whose name escapes me even though I've been told several times) who rode up with them to help drop things off.
Just before Noon I checked the Internet and it was still a no go. I called back and was assured they were still working on it and hoped to have it fixed soon. I was disappointed, but hopeful. We depend on the Internet for a lot, including being connected to our family back home. When it's out it's a big deal for us.
Anyways, while I was waiting I went up on the roof and took a few pictures of the yard. The place is beautiful.
A little while after that Dilian and Freddy arrived, along with Freddy's buddy. I just happened to see them when I walked out the back door. That hadn't come in and they didn't look happy. It turned out they weren't. Freddy's breaks when out as they were pulling into the yard. He managed to get the bus under control before it crashed, but it was a near thing.
He had come up, not only to bring us the rest of our stuff, but to take us into town to file for our extension, buy some groceries and other supplies, and get the Internet transferred into my name. As things turned out he was trapped at our house until after 5PM. So a trip to town just wasn't possible. Freddy took it in stride although he was a little frustrated by the number of friends who couldn't come to his aid for one reason or another.
Between their arrival and eventual departure we unloaded the bus (which was once again very full), ate a couple of meals, and generally hung out having a good time. Well, I did have to keep calling Lime every thirty minutes or so, but I kept my spirits up as best I could, lol.
Freddy's buddy caught a couple of crabs from the stream for us. They are shockingly known as “River Crabs” here. (I'm beginning to become a local now. I just asked “So, does this follow the pattern? Is it called a river crab?” and was told that it was, lol.) He also pointed out the we have pineapple growing all over the yard and that we have a kind of raspberry growing that people use to make jellies and jams. He also said if we wanted to grow things in Dominica we couldn't have picked better propery :)
The minutes ticked closer and closer to 5PM, closing time for Lime. I began to fear a disconnected weekend. For me that means work piling up and concerned grandparents. Which adds up to no fun. However, the Lord was with me. I was finally put in contact with a senior technician (he may have been even higher up than that) who listened to my problem and said something along the lines of “That's like a five minute fix... It should have been fixed for you this morning...” Roughly five minutes after he said that we were connected to the Internet. It was 4:50PM. Just in time :)
I took the kids back down to the river to celebrate.
Not long after that Freddy was back up and running. It turns out Monday is a holiday and we were suppose to have our extension filed before Tuesday. However, they suggested I call the police station and explain the situation. I did and was told that it shouldn't be a problem considering the circumstances. We just need to come in early Tuesday and file. Brother Freddy said he would be back to get us Tuesday so we could get everything we need to taken care of.
Now the story doesn't end quite there for tonight, no. I had to post last night's blog and decided to take a break after I did that. I wanted to get some of these burned out bulbs replaced. (Well, replaced with bulbs we've pulled from elsewhere.) However, there was a problem. It's not just burned out bulbs, it's messed up fixtures as well. While taking out one bulb I shorted the fixture (not knowing it) and when Rachel flipped the switch it tripped the breaker. There are six fixtures in the living room, two of them work... It was an odd end to an odd day.
Still, we're very happy here and pleased with the move. Even having to share plates and forks, sitting and sleeping on the floor, and eating whatever you can make with cornmeal until we get to the grocery store Tuesday, lol. It's a great place and we're really pleased. We're looking forward to getting established and having visitors.
I should be able to tell you (and show you) more about it tomorrow. For now I'm way too tired to go on. So, goodnight from Dominica!
Some good pics. That bad had a weird looking tail. Was he a fruit bat?
ReplyDeleteWish you had more than cornmeal to last till Tues. I guess you'll be searching the internet to see what all can be done with cornmeal. Can you eat those river crabs? Maybe you can find some bananas, coconuts, or mangoes on the property if the pineapple isn't ripe yet. Can't wait for tomorrow's blog to see what you found to eat or cook.
Mom E.
I'm not sure if it was a fruit bat.
DeleteWe also wish we had more than cornmeal. We're going to have to forage today and see what we can come up with.
The river crabs are edible :)
The streams are so pretty. I know all of you will be glad to have more room now. Can't wait to see more pictures.
ReplyDeleteWe're loving it so far. We plan to have more to show you tonight.
DeleteWhat is the temperature there in Ponte Casse is it cooler?
ReplyDeleteBeware Bats I know you say it is a rabies free island but bats are carriers.
Still trying to figure out a way to make a living there, starting a business of any kind requires cash.
Love, Aunt Sarie
It is much, much cooler.
DeleteIt's a rabies free island. Bats are everywhere, but none of them have rabies, lol.
Starting a business really is the way to go here, but there are a lot of opportunities. :)