The small load of minor calamities that have befallen us has put me way, way behind on my work. We have a deadline for a demo coming closer each day and as lead developer I'm pelted with more and more questions. As lead programmer I also have very specific pieces of code to write, as well as overseeing (very loosely) what the other programmers are doing. There seems to be tons to do and just not enough time to do it in. What's the answer? Working through the weekends of course!
So that's what I've been doing today and it's what I expect to be doing for the next few weekends to come. It's amazing how much time a seemingly small task can take. Of course, the other side of that is that sometimes you can get reams of work done very quickly. Today was one of the slow and steady days.
Around 10AM I got an hour long break when the power went out. To be frank it filled me with a sense of cold dread. I had been working for almost three hours on e-mails (personal as well as work related) and had finally moved on to my real task of the day when everything just went off. I called Domlec to report the problem within about 15 minutes. They told me they were already aware and already had men working on it. Within about an hour they had us up and running.
While I was down I took a walk. A lot of my job is just thinking anyway, so I walked and I thought.

It's hard to tell, but that's water just running out of the ground onto our driveway.

The water level is up. We're going through another tropical storm right now:)

They tell me as we get closer to crab season we're going to see more and more of them. I can't wait.

It turns out Hibiscus falls is right down from us. In fact, where the river drops off the edge of this property is the falls. I went to have a look.

Shortly after I got back the power came back on. Then it was time to get back to work, which I did in earnest. Rachel was feeling sick this morning (it didn't last, thank the Lord), so I showed Alec and Gabriel how to make pancake batter. Then they fried up the pan cakes. They did a great job, but I learned that we need to triple the recipe, not double it, lol.

Once Rachel got up she went down stairs, did some laundry, and made some pizzas. Some of this she did with Titus tied to her back.

All in all it's been a busy day and I'm ready for a break. I'll see what pictures I can get for you guys tomorrow, but I'm very busy and tomorrow is Sunday. We're going to be having our own little service here. Either way, for the moment I'm going to dash. Goodnight from Dominica!
Thanks for the pics. I know you've been very busy. Maybe I'll see Hibiscus Falls before I see Emerald Pool. I'm surprised that Gabriel didn't walk with you this morning.
ReplyDeleteHopefully, everyone is well now and in a few weeks things can change to a slower pace.
Love and miss you all.
Mom E.
I didn't even think to let anyone know I was going. Gabriel did walk around that yard with me when I got back.
DeleteI am certainly hoping things will slow down a bit. I have loads of work to take care of, lol.
Hope you start putting in some over time to be able to get things done that need to be done and then when you get the dead lines met you can relax and breath for a while. I keep worrying about the internet and electricity as it seems to be a problem in the new place. Anyway keep on trucking and little by little hope it will get together by the deadline.
ReplyDeleteI am certainly going to be putting in overtime for a while :)
DeleteStill, once I'm caught up I may be able to take a few days off.
The electricity only went out yesterday (since we moved) and it wasn't for long. And Lord willing we've got the Internet straitened out now.