There are times in life you just have to shake your head and think to yourself “Well, things can't keep going in this direction forever.” Now is one of those times. It's not quite 1PM yet, but I decided to go ahead and start working on my blog anyway. I have no idea what work is piling up at the moment or at what time I'll stop working if the Internet gets turned on again today.
It turns out it's been turned off because Lime thinks Ms. Armstrong requested that it be disconnected. That's not the case and they're supposed to be working on it, but we'll just have to wait and see. It's not like we can go into the office today to get things straitened out. It looks like Freddy's bus is going to be off the road for a while. I believe it's mostly body damage, but he wants to get it into the shop ASAP either way. Also Abby woke up in the night sick. If she follows the pattern everyone else has she'll be better in a few hours, but it's been a rough day for her. Still, she takes this kind of sickness like a little soldier.

I'm continuing my work as best I can while offline. Mainly I'm working up a little documentation on what I've already done and making minor tweaks here and there. I'm also taking pictures along and along. This is going to be another post where the photos don't match the post per-say. While I've been doing what I do Rachel has been cleaning. We finally got a broom and mop yesterday and already the house is looking a lot better. It's not that it was dirty when we moved in, but it didn't have the “touch” Rachel tends to put into a place. It won't be long and this place is really going to start feeling like home :)

Anyways, I've taken enough of a break for the moment and I need to call Safe Haven Real Estate again to see if there's any word on the Internet. I'll be back shortly.
Well, it's after 3PM now and we still don't have Internet. Mr. Armstrong called Lime to let them know that the disconnect was a mistake. I managed to get Ms. Peters number (she's the lady at Lime who is aware of the situation) and called her to find out what the status was. She told me they were aware of the situation and that she would call me back in ten minutes. It's been almost an hour and I haven't heard from her. I keep calling, but I can't get through.
I have to admit this is a little frustrating. I don't know how Lime's infrastructure is put together, but it seems they need to work on it. A simple mis-communication has already eaten up hours and still isn't resolved yet. Everyone I talk to is very nice about the situation, but it seems none of them can do anything about it. I don't know how they can be aware of the fact that the line should be turned on and yet unable to get something done about it quickly. One would think that a manager could take care of the situation in minutes. It's seems that's not the case, however. As I said, I think they need to work on their infrastructure. This is very frustrating. Anyways, I'll be back in a while.

So, I got in touch with Ms. Peters again and she's going to call a technician. I was going to hold until she spoke with him, but it dropped the call for some reason. I'm going to call her back in a few minutes and see what I can find out. For most people loss of Internet is just a minor annoyance, but it puts me hours and hours behind work. I am probably going to be working the next few weekends as it is. Not only that, but as I mentioned before it severs the connection between us and our family back home. I plan to give the folks back home our cell as well as our land line number. It will be an international call, but at least they can reach us.
OK, so I managed to get back in touch with Ms. Peters and she said she had gotten in touch with a technician and that we should have the line turned on in the next half hour. Lord willing, that will be an accurate predication. As soon as the connection is back up I can start digging through my e-mail and letting everyone know that we're still alive and well, lol.

Thank the Lord, the Internet is back on (even if that half hour turned into an hour and a quarter). The same technician that helped me last Thursday was finally contacted. He called me and, once again, had me up and running in around five minutes. This time he actually got the problem fixed at 5PM on the dot. I wasn't sure we were going to make it today, lol.
Now that we're hooked back up I need to go through my e-mails and see what I can get done before I call it a night. I'm afraid it's not going to be much. Still, something's better than nothing.
I did want to say that we had oatmeal for breakfast again this morning. It was very good. I think we may have pancakes soon. It's good to shake things up a bit. It will be a couple of weeks (at least) before we can keep meat in the house, but we're getting by. Tonight we had black eyed peas and rice with cornbread for dinner and brownies for dessert. Inch by inch we're crawling back into some kind of routine.

I've got to call it here for the night. Believe it or not this has been an exhausting day. Frustration can really wear you out, lol. So, once again, good night from Dominica!
So glad you are all ok. I think you should see if you can get some part time work at the Lime office once you get caught up on your WOM stuff. I think they NEED you! hahahaha Anyway, hope Abby if feeling better by now and that no one else wakes up sick tonight.
ReplyDeleteNot sure you've had time to read all the back email, but we have tickets to Dominica now! We should see y'all the 29th of October! I've got to email you about the cottages. Love you all, Mom E.
We are OK and if I had time for another job I might apply, lol.
DeleteI did see that you've gotten your tickets. That's great! Did Mom Y. get her passport yet? We need to talk to the Armstrongs about the cottages. I need to make sure they're hooked up and ready to go :)
Still hope to see pictures of the kids in their rooms so we can see what they look like and if the kid is in the room we can tell whos room it is. I assume that is the bridge that Freedy almost ran off of into the water. WOW It looks slippery when wet
ReplyDeleteI'll try to get around to taking pictures of the kids in their rooms. It's just going to be pictures of them in big empty rooms with an inflatable mattress on the floor, but if that's what you want to see I should be able to hook you up, lol.