Friday, October 4, 2013

Success So Far

Today our second Kickstarter campaign hit it's base goal thereby “succeeding” in roughly twenty three hours. Needless to say that's GREAT news. We're now on our way toward our first stretch goal and at the time of this writing we've actually hit over 120% of our original goal. Of course, we're hoping to raise much more during the next nearly 30 days of the campaign. We're working hard to make Worlds of Magic a smash hit. The more we raise with this Kickstarter the more we'll be able to afford to invest in artwork. Good art will really help with initial sales, even if great game play is what keeps people interested.

If you're wondering about the pictures of the hawk, I took them during a brief walk I took this morning during one of the “quiet times”.

Anyways, I was fairly busy today writing e-mails, responding to comments, posting on forums, etc. I did find time to shoot off another book submission however. (Remember to keep me in your prayers.) A little after Noon Dad came by to pick me up. He needed me to run down to the Pull-A-Part with him to try to pull a transmission out of a Honda van. It was going very well until we tried to roll the engine over. It was stuck... In fact we broke a ½ to 3/8 adapter trying to get it to turn over. No turn, no transmission. Well, Dad decided to pull out the transmission plug (whatever it's called) before we left. The transmission fluid that came out of it looked like spent engine oil. So, it's probably better we didn't get it. I can't imagine it was in very good shape. Of course, me and Dad are still thinking about trying to pull it for parts next week. We'll take a breaker bar with the correct size socket if we do.

While I was there I decided to take a few pictures. I wanted to show all our friends in Dominica where we can go if we want a car part.

As you can imagine access to a place like that makes fixing cars cheaper and easier, lol.

I wasn't the only one who was busy today. As soon as Rachel got up she had to take Titus to the emergency room. He had a little blood in his stool last night. He still did this morning and so she called the doctor. They had Rachel take him to the ER, not because it was a real emergency, but because it would get all the tests started sooner.

They sent him home for the moment. The guess is that it's just a bacterial infection and that it's no big deal. Still, be praying for the little guy. He's a little small for his age and his muscles aren't as developed as they should be. Still, I feel confident that he'll be fine in the long run.

For the moment I'm going to go. The hard drives have come in and I'm ready to get started on them. Also I'm tired and want to be watching TV. The sooner I get started, the sooner I'll finish. So, goodnight from South Carolina!


  1. You can tell that he doesn't feel good in those photos :(

    1. Yes, he looks like he feels bad. Will they let you know something by tomorrow? Your mom told me he was crying a lot yesterday. Please call and let us know when you find out what's wrong. I tried to call you tonight, but it went straight to your voice mail.

    2. I think he had a little fever as well. That probably means he's just got an infection.

  2. I prayed for you. I hope you're feeling better :)

  3. Is that rain i see in the pictures. Looking forward to seeing some snow

    1. That is fog :)

      I'm not sure we ever saw any in Dominica, lol.
