I could use another weekend. In fact, I could use a weekend with more weekend in it. Maybe this weekend will be that weekend, lol. Really I think it will be. Lord willing, by then I'll have gotten over this sinus infection. I'm also praying that Caleb will have shaken whatever it is that's been clinging to him since Sunday. Today he ended up with a fever. I'm hoping that's a sign of recovery.

In any event, work went very well today. Especially when you consider that I'm not feeling 100%. Really work started going very well last night. We had a single backer pledge over $1,800.00. It seems he wanted us to hit our next stretch goal. So, he kicked in the difference between where we were and where the goal line was. Needless to say, we really appreciated it! So, now we've passed the $20K mark. I feel we have a real crack at that $50K. I know I've said that a lot, but it's been on my mind. If we can hit that mark it will really put us in a strong negotiating position with the publisher. Another thing that should help that is our Steam Greenlight project. In case you haven't heard of Steam it's one of the largest (probably the largest by far) game distribution centers in the world. If a game gets “Greenlighted” it's put on Steam the day it comes out. That leads to huge sales figures and would basically make Worlds of Magic a massive success. At this moment we're 99% of the way to the top 100. According to Les we only need to get 15,000 votes to get greenlighted and we've already got almost 10,500. So, please, be praying for us :)
My day was spent writing updates (I had two to do today) and posting on the forums. I had a few e-mails to go through, but not many. Les is also a little under the weather. I think he's just worn out. During Kickstarter campaigns he seems to get up before the sun and stay up until the wee hours of the night. As a result he was a little burned out today. He may have written me five times. Normally I might get twenty or so e-mails just from him. The rest of the dev team was also silently working away today so I didn't have any correspondence from them either (well, almost none).
In other good news Jim Shepard (another developer who's working on a game I backed) mentioned Worlds of Magic in an Dungeonmans update (the game he is working on). The update was full of a lot of great information and the shout out about WoM led a number of his backers over to our project. It's hard to tell how many of them actually backed us so far, but I feel it's been a fair number. Our number of backers has certainly picked up.

Really that's one of the great things about Kickstarter. It helps independent developers meet other independent developers. That's good for a number of reasons. For one thing, it helps you get the word out (like it did for us today). For another, it gets you in touch with people that know what they're doing from a game development point of view. They can give you feedback about what works or what doesn't. Kickstarter really does help build gaming communities. And it seems to me that it's the sense of community that makes the whole thing work. I've backed a number of projects now and keep backing more. I'm helping people reach their dreams and at the same time making great contacts and getting new games at discount prices, lol.

In any event, I've spent this entire post talking about work. That's mainly because that's what I did today (other than play some SWTOR). Tomorrow maybe I'll feel up to getting out and about a bit more. What I'm really hoping is that by February this game will have brought in some real money and that I'll be able to do some more posts from Dominica, lol.
Before I go I want to mention that Dad E. got the transmission we pulled put into his van. It seems to work like a dream. Lord willing, he'll be able to come pick me up tomorrow so I can get our van back. Once that's done we can get Steve's van and we'll have enough seats to take all the kids to Church without needing anyone else to come by and pick up some children. :)
Anyways, that's enough for tonight. I need to go. So, for the moment, goodnight from South Carolina!
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