What a day! Uggg!! I had a feeling at about 10AM this morning that it was going to be one of those days that vanished without a trace. All day I was going from one thing to another and the minutes ticked away into lost hours of “Is that the time?!?!”. This morning I was greeted by bug reports on the new demo we put up last night. We added a number of new features and with them, new bugs. Even the download link I posted wasn't quite right. After a certain number of downloads it stopped working. It's a mistake I don't intend to make again. Of course, the real mistake was trying to roll something out to the public right before I went to bed. I should have known better. I've done it before and it's never a wise thing to do.
I'm just jamming pictures in again. Many of these are of Benjamin building a computer for Caleb with some of Alec's old parts and an old hard drive from Mom Y's former PC.
I spent hours today talking on the forums, playing new builds and sending in bug reports. Dave Baumgartner (one of my very close friends, even if I have spelled his name wrong...) stopped by to visit for a few hours. We hadn't seen each other since I got back from Dominica. Needless to say it was a very pleasant visit. He's a musician working on putting together an album. He plans to do a Kickstarter to raise the money to have 500-1000 CDs professionally made. I think it's a great idea and I'm going to do what I can to help him with it. I think he's got a good chance of making it. He plays very well and has real natural ability in my opinion. Plus he's been playing semi-professionally for years. Of course, at the moment he doesn't even have a facebook page, lol. I told him that he's got to change that. He plans to start work on it next week. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it's going to work out :)

While he was here I had to play test the new demo several times. He enjoyed seeing it so I was able to work without deserting my guest, lol. I got the newest build just a few minutes ago. I've handed it to the public. We should know in a matter of hours if there are any major bugs we failed to unearth and destroy. We're still hoping this will get people talking. However, our soon-to-be new PR guy said it really wasn't ready to promote. It just does show enough of the game. What was his advice? Well, it was his opinion that we should make a series of videos highlighting gameplay. We can then release one video a week for a month or so leading up to the playable alpha. Then we can get the alpha into the hands of some reviewers and drum up some real interest. Sadly, none of this is going to be in time to help our KS campaign. Still, it's in the Lord's hands. If he wants the press to talk about us they will :)
We do have one slightly opened door. An independent writer wants to do an article about Worlds of Magic for a mainstream Australian gaming magazine. He tried to get in touch with me last night after I had gone to bed. I'm going to try to get in touch with him tonight. Hopefully we'll be able to do a quick Skype interview. If they were to post about us on their website it could be a big boost to our traffic and could lead to a lot more backers. And, of course, there's always the possibility that it will “echo” around the Internet a bit.
So, it's been a long day. I'm going to run. Goodnight from South Carolina!
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