I was awakened this morning by Rachel yelling something to me. I can't remember exactly what she said, but I remember that I very quickly understood that Isaac was vomiting. It's not the way one likes to be awakened... I had to get up and start striping his bed. At the time I was pretty sure it was tied to whatever Caleb had yesterday. Still, as the day has gone on I've changed my mind. It was 4:30AM when he woke up sick. He was back asleep by about 5:30AM and when he woke up again at around 9AM he seemed fine. So, I'm not sure what it was, but thank God it didn't last long.
I hardly need say that once I was up I decided to stay up. There was no point in trying to climb back into bed for a half hour. I figured I might as well get my day started. I fixed a pot of coffee and sat down for my daily Bible reading. Before I got started on that I did start a load of laundry. I don't know why the washing machine won't drain, but I am more tenacious than the machine is. I washed two loads so far and I'm working on a third. I let it run until it throws the “won't drain” error and then I drain it out by hand into the bucket of the shop vac. I've just been dumping the water down the drain by hand. It makes washing clothes a little more difficult, but not near as difficult as washing them by hand and Rachel did a bit of that in Dominica! We'll just have to keep doing it like this until I get the money to buy a few parts.

Speaking of money the Kickstarter campaign is still going very well. It's slowed down a bit over the past few days, but we hope to reach some more media outlets before the end of the week. If that happens it may well kick the campaign into high gear again. If WoM is the success it looks like it's going to be I should finally be able to get my finances straightened out. That will be a true blessing.
Anyways, with my day starting out the way it did I hoped to have a slow day. That didn't work out at all, lol. A constant stream of things needing my attention has been coming in all day. I have no idea how many words I've written today. I'm sure it's several thousand. (← That's 437 words in this post so far...) As I got such an early start I went ahead and trimmed my synopsis down to two pages. Having done that I submitted to another publishing house. I honestly don't expect much to come from it, but you never know. You just have to keep trying. I'm still hoping to hear from that other publisher in the next few days.
As you can see I didn't feel up to taking many pictures today. I'm just worn out. I haven't even had a chance to turn on SWTOR today. During some of my “in-between” time I was working on Mom E's laptop. It was running crazy slow and wasn't connecting to the Internet right. I ran “Windows Update” and there were a number of updates it needed. I installed them and it seems to be running better. It will be a few days before she can pick it up and test it though.
Either way, I am seriously burned down so I'm running out here. Goodnight from South Carolina!
Isaac is better, but now I seem to have it. Thank God I'm not sick on my stomach, but my head and sinuses are not very happy this morning.