Today was wonderful. I didn't have to go anywhere and so I was able to enjoy the metaphorical home fires burning. I got up late (again), but fortunately managed to get my work done fairly quickly. I expect to have everything completely back to normal by next week. Not only should I be able to get what I need done with Worlds of Magic, but I should have time for tinkering on other work as well as gaming a bit more. There are actually a long list of games I need to check out for professional reasons. As far as pure simple fun is concerned I think I'm going to stick with SWTOR and WoT for a while. Of course, I haven't really played World of Warplanes yet, and I expect it's a lot of fun as well. I need to convince Dilian and Joey to give it a try with me, lol.
I also has some good news with my other grand work. That is to say: Getting my book published. One of the publishers I contacted last week got back with me. It was just to tell me that my manuscript was up for review and that I should be hearing something in the next week or two. Keep me in your prayers. I've put a lot of work into this book and into writing in general. I really want to make games and write books. In my mind the two work together. Both are about entertainment and both are about pulling people into a fictional world. I've heard people speak against “escapism”, but TV, movies, even chess are all forms of escapism. Really all forms of entertainment are. I agree that some people take it too far, but I also believe one of the lines in Willy Wanka: “A little nonsense now and then, relished by the wisest men.” We all need a little play in our lives. I like the idea of being one of the people that help other people play.
Speaking of playing, I just found out that little AJ is on restriction. Apparently Caleb and he went through his parent's yard destroying trees and flowers in mass. I had no idea until a few minutes ago. I've decided that Caleb's punishment is going to be that he won't be allowed to go back over to AJ's for a few days after AJ's restriction is over. Some people think I go a little too easy on Caleb. However, when anyone says anything about it I like to ask them “Well, what problem is it that you have with Ben?” and when they say “What? I don't have any problem with Ben!” I reply “Exactly! The same man that's Ben's Dad is Caleb's Dad, so just let me him do his job.”, lol. Every child is different and you have to parent each one as an individual. When Ben was young people were constantly telling me he needed more punishment for this or that and that he causes this child or that to do something they weren't supposed to. (Many of them don't remember that now, but I do.) I ignored them and did what I thought was best for Ben. Thank the Lord, it seems to have all worked out alright. Pretty much everybody is satisfied with Ben and, in the long run, I think they will be with Caleb as well.
I'm going to draw to a close. Rachel was gone for about five hours, but she's home now. She had to pick up a few things from Williston and drop the trailer off at the Cling's. (Obviously she took the older boys to help her.) Now that she's back it's time to start getting into our evening routine. We're currently watching through Murder She Wrote. I never realized as a kid how much it was like Sherlock Holmes. The methods Jessica Fletcher uses are basically exactly what Sherlock did. It's brought into a more modern era (considering it first aired twenty years ago, lol), but the stories are basically the same. It's a really good show and as it's on Netflix we can watch it at our own pace. I think we may want to get Hulu Prime as well as buying some Amazon Instant Videos. Really there's no point in having cable in this day in age. Unless of course, you have cable Internet like we do.
If you're wondering why there are so few pictures in tonight's blog the answer is very simple. It's pure, old fashioned laziness. Tomorrow I'll try to get an earlier start and at least take a walk. I may also try to get a few more pictures of the kids playing. They did a lot of that today. In fact, I was having to get up every few minutes to check on them because they were out in the yard.
Anyways, I really need to go. It's almost family time and I still have to post this. So, goodnight from South Carolina!
ok enjoy. tonight is bible class so good night from Dominica.
ReplyDeleteI'm sure it was an enjoyable class. Be sure to tell everyone we said hello :)