I got up late today. I'm still recovering from a couple of nights ago. In fact we ended up running late enough that we missed Bible class this morning. Right now we're still short a vehicle and that was part of the delay. Dad E. had to come by this morning with our van to pick up a few children. He put his old transmission back in his van last week, but sadly it just didn't work right. He could get the van to go in reverse, but it would only go into drive occasionally... Still, he's got the transmission that we pulled from the Pull-A-Part last week and he's getting very proficient at pulling transmissions out and putting them back in. (At least in his kind of van.) He pulled the transmission out again in around three hours. He hopes to get the other transmission in place in the next day or so. Lord willing it will work and later this week we'll have another van on the road. My brother-in-law (after 16 years you may as well say my brother) Steven has graciously offered to let us use his van for the time being as well. He mailed the title the other day and in came in Thursday or Friday. Rachel and her mother have to go handle the paperwork and get the insurance set up. We hope to have it on the road in the next few days as well. Both those things together should make transporting all these kids a little easier. :)
Anyways, we finally got to Church, even if it was only for the worship service. The signing was enjoyable and the sermon was very good. After services ended we headed to Mom and Dad Y's for dinner. Dad E. headed over there with us as well. Mom E. was with my aunt Betty (aunt by love, not by birth) and if they came by Mom Y's it was so late we had already left. Really we didn't stay very long at all. It was one of those “eat and run” situations. I had work to take care of and Dad E. had tested my washing machine drain pump and found out that it was working so I wanted to take another crack at fixing the washing machine.
As soon as I got home I had to hop on writing up today's update. While I was working on that Rachel got the boys and started re-arranging furniture. Caleb was feeling a little under the weather this morning and as we got to be about as busy as we could he started moaning loudly. His head was hurting so bad he thought he was going to throw up. He needed some headache medicine and some ginger-ale. Well, while he was being attended to I was busy putting the washing machine back together. I was very careful to put everything back just like I had taken it out or off. Except, of course, for the drain filter. So, I started up the machine to test it and it pumped several gallons of water onto the floor while I was checking a few e-mails and what not. After we had vacuumed up the water we tried again. (By this time Caleb was giner-aled and medicated.) It filled with water, did a bit of rinsing, and wouldn't drain. Needless to say I was a little frustrated. I took the drain hose out of the drain pipe and laid it in the bucket of the wet vac. It drained right out and finished its rinse cycle. So, after all that work it was a matter of a poorly positioned drain hose. We're still not sure we've got it right, but now that we know what the problem is we're very confident that we can get it running like it should with a little tweaking.

As far as work is concerned the kickstarter has slowed down a bit. We feel certain it will pick up again in the next few days (for one thing we plan to send out a number of press releases and what not). And really we can't complain we've still got more than 20 days to go and we've raised over $17K. Obviously, we feel really good about that.
There are a couple of mystery photos in the mix there. One is of bags of horse feed. I had to dump one of them into the “feed can” and took a picture while I was out there. The other is our bed up on its side. Rachel wanted everyone to see that for some odd reason our bed is longer than standard bed rails. As a result our bed is sitting up on milk crates rather than rails, lol.
This post has passed a page long and all things considered that's enough for today. So, goodnight from South Carolina!
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