Yes, sadly Fall has arrived in South Carolina. This morning it got down to around 40 degrees Fahrenheit. Our Dominican friends that have never been out of the Caribbean will probably have a hard time imagining that, lol. I wish I couldn't imagine it, much less feel it. And this is just Fall... Winter... ugggg... Oh well, Lord willing, this will be the last year I have to deal with it. I hope to be able to run away for the Winter of 2015. If things keep up in the current vein I feel certain we'll be able to.
We continue to make slow progress with the Kickstarter, but progress is progress. The greenlight campaign has also slowed down, but we're currently holding our position. If we can just do that we should get greenlit in the next few months. We're hoping to do much better than that of course. To that end we've been working on that new demo. Well, I say “we”. I suppose I should say “they” have been working on it. I've mainly been waiting. Last night they got me a build and I play tested it for about twenty minutes before I had some change requests in mind. I let them know what I wanted and they leapt back to work. Just a few minutes ago they got me the latest build. It was much improved, but there are still a few bugs that need to be fixed. As I'm writing this I'm waiting to get an even newer build.

The new demo is the corner stone of what we hope to be our last week PR campaign. It's got a lot of social tools built into it. People can go to our Facebook page, Kickstarter project, or Greenlight project all by clicking a button. The plan is that when people enjoy it they'll share the link to it with their friends. Once they've reached the demo they can reach pretty much anything we're doing. It will also give us something to do press releases about and show Youtubers. It's amazing how much traffic people can bring to you just by doing a video review of whatever you're working on. We're really hoping that all of this will lead to a strong few days early next week (or this weekend if we can get it out soon enough). Our three day countdown starts Friday after next at Noon. Historically the last three days tend to generate a lot of news, noise, and backing. We feel confident we'll raise quite a bit more during that period.

Anyways, my work was pretty much what my work normally is. I did get started a couple of hours early just because Isaac woke me up by kicking the covers off of me at around 4AM. As a result I got to play SWTOR a little more today. I do feel a little bad about playing when I know the dev team is working day and night. Of course, on the other hand, I end up doing almost all the writeups, interviews, forums posts, etc, etc, etc. The fact is that we all have our own jobs. Les is working 70-80 hours a week right now. (Of course, part of his job is going to game conventions, lol.) I'm hoping he'll be able to take a bit of a vacation once we have this game out. I'm certainly planning on taking one :)
One thing I think I've forgotten to mention over the last few days is that Caleb was eating Chicken Noodles in Ben's room Monday. Now, that's not real news. What is, however, is that he got chocked and spit a mouthful of chicken juice right into Ben's computer. ZAP! It fried the motherboard... I've prayed that the Lord will put a hedge around me to protect me from anymore mishaps for the next while. (Forever would even be fine with me.) Either way, I ordered him ANOTHER motherboard to replace it. It got here yesterday and Ben put it in his computer with almost no help from me. Alec also got new computer parts (that he paid for). His came in today and he actually manage to replace his motherboard, CPU, and memory with very little help. He now has one of the fastest (if not THE fastest) computer in the house. Needless to say, he's overjoyed.
Well, I need to run. I may still have an update to do today depending on when I get the new version of the battle board. So, for now at least, goodnight from South Carolina.
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