Last night was a little rough. My sinuses were hurting again. I'm getting a rather weird sinus infection. Or I'm getting over it. It's really hard to tell. I seem to feel better in the afternoon... Either way, I got up way late again this morning. I didn't drag myself out of bed until around 7:30AM. That may not seem late to some of you, but consider the fact that I tend to go to bed before 10PM and you'll see how that's “late”. Even staying in bed that long I felt a little rough when I got up. This morning I started the coffee brewing before I had even brushed my teeth. I needed to get my head together before I started work.
Once again it was a matter of answering e-mails, updating wiki information, talking on the forums, and prepping up an update. All in all it wasn't bad. For one thing I went about it the laziest way I could. Mainly I just answered questions I was asked and correlated information we already had. Today's update was just a call for questions, so even it was easy to write. I'm very pleased with the way the game is coming together. We have the military units laid out for four of the eight races and the fifth is close to complete. I don't know how may spell ideas we've had submitted by the fans, but I'm sure it's in the hundreds. That's great really. It looks like we're going to need 360 for the initial release. Adding 60 new spells is actually one of our “stretch goals”. It's “unlocked” at the $20K mark. Considering we've already crossed the $18K mark and we have more than 17 days to go we feel very confident that we're going to hit it, lol.

In other news it looks like Les may have lined up a new PR guy. This one seems like he may be the real deal. In he and Les's first chit chat he pretty much raked our project across the coals (as we say) and pointed out that it wasn't ready for any kind of press releases. He then went on to give us his opinion of what needed to be done before we could hope to get the attention of any serious reviewers. He's currently promoting a game very similar to Worlds of Magic and has been very successful. He said that he wouldn't represent a project that wasn't ready for promotion, but once we made the changes he suggested he'd be glad to work with us. We hope to have them made by early next week. Lord willing, we'll be able to start some serious promoting after that. If he's as successful promoting WoM as he has been that other title we have a real shot at $50K :)
Sadly I didn't feel like submitting my novel again today. (Joey just got here. I'll finish this later tonight...) Well, Joey just left. It was a very pleasant visit and it is now 8PM. Needless to say this is very near my bedtime.
So, goodnight from South Carolina!
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