Today has been a day of doing as little as possible. If I had a lazy muscle I might have pulled it today, lol. It was a good thing really. Rachel decided that she wanted to try to go to sleep “in the quiet” last night. You see, during our 16 years of marriage I've gone through phases of sleeping with the TV on or off. For years I slept in silence until Rachel wanted to get some toy for Felicity (I think) that made noise to help babies sleep. Well, after a while I was used to noise while I was trying to sleep. So, the TV ended up back on at night for years. Then we moved to Dominica and it wasn't practical, so I started sleeping in the quiet again. Then we moved back and in all the craziness I started sleeping with the TV on again to drown out “children noise”. Well, Rachel's been asking me to turn the TV off for days now. Last night I complied. As a result we were both up until I have no idea what time. Even Titus was up “talking” and fussing into the wee hours of the night. (I'm yawning as I type this.) Needless to say a night like that teed me up for a lazy day.
BTW, Caleb took some of these pictures for me, lol.

Still, I couldn't do “nothing”. I'm not sure I'm going to be able to do that until this game is released. After it comes out I really do plan to take a short vacation. I'm going to be overdue for a real rest, lol. Anyways, I had e-mails to handle and some changes to make to the website. As usual I had an update to write as well. Of course, it's worth all the effort. We've passed the $16K mark and if things keep up like this we will raise more than the additional $50K I was really hoping and praying for. Keep us in your prayers!

During the in-between times I did get to play SWTOR for a few hours, which was nice of course. While I was doing that Rachel went to an auction with her mother and picked up a few more pieces of furniture. I'm not sure how much more we need... We got most of what we left behind back when we returned. Either way, she wanted a few more sticks of furniture and a few more sticks she got. They returned with a truck load for Ben and Alec to unload. In fact, they've headed to Mom Y's to unload a bit more. (I have no idea what all my mother-in-law bought.) This additional furniture brings to mind having a place to put it all. I'm really hoping this game hits big enough for me to buy a double-wide cash. It will probably have a little more floor space than this house and we'll be able to add on to it. Two things I really want at the moment are an office and a workout room.
It's not always easy to work in a house with eight children. I love my kids more than life, but that doesn't make it easy to think when they're running through the house screaming. Especially considering the kind of work I have to do. A lot of it requires a fair amount of focus. I think if I could get in an office I could get more done in less time. It would also make writing a bit easier, I believe. Speaking of which: I didn't e-mail off another submission today. I just didn't feel up to trimming my three page synopsis down to two pages. I plan to pick it up again Monday. I've got to get some more submissions sent out. As I've said many times before I want both to make video games and write. And both these things would be easier with an office. As for a workout room, I want to loose some more weight (or at least fat) and build up some muscle. I'm too weak for my own satisfaction at the moment. You don't build up a lot of muscle typing and clicking all day, lol.
Anyways, for the moment it's time to draw to a close. So, goodnight from South Carolina!
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