Everything seems to have been crawling along today. Part of it is, no doubt, my perception. I'm still under the weather. All day my mind has been in a kind of “What was I thinking?” state. Last night Isaac was very sick and Titus woke up several times. I didn't crawl out of bed until almost 8AM. Even then I was walking around in a daze until I had the coffee brewed up.
Once I finally started my work I found out that Les needed me to write an “announcement” for Steam. I hadn't done one of those yet, so he had to kind of give me a “point of view” to write from. With my head halfway in the clouds it was difficult to hold my focus long enough to get it written. Still, it had to be done. I also had to write the update for the KS today. The campaign is going well. We're nearing the $22K line. Of course, we could be moving along faster. We're hoping that the changes we're currently making to the battle board are going to get some media attention. The new PR man we've lined up has some real ideas. If we can get the press interested it should really pick up the backing as well as helping our greenlight campaign. Already we're #92 out of the top 100 on greenlight. Lord willing, we'll get greenlit in the next batch :)

Today I got a little more time to play SWTOR and relax. That was nice as I needed it. Rachel and some of the kids are getting to go to Mom and Dad Y's for a bit of a Fall party. Mom and Dad E. are going to be there as well. *As it turns out, there's been an update* I was supposed to stay here watching Caleb and Isaac so as not to spread the disease, but they've thrown such fits wanting to go that Rachel has decided to take them. Missing the party because they we sick would be hard on them. Either way, we're going to take them so I need to wrap up now.

I did want to let you guys know that the publisher got back with me. They gave me a “No thanks.” Still, the road to success is paved with failure. I just have to keep trying.
For the moment I'm going to run. So, goodnight from South Carolina!
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