As it's the weekend I decided to do my best to get some real honest rest. I had to start by getting my have-to-get-done work finished, but it didn't take me long. Thank the Lord, the interviewer got back with me to schedule the interview for that Australian gaming magazine. It's tomorrow at 6PM. We're really hoping and praying it will generate a lot of press. That should really help the Steam campaign. Right now we're number #72 out of almost 1,500 games. Plus, if the article comes out in time it could really help our Kickstarter. We've had a hard time passing the $23K mark. We probably have enough to do the job now, but it is certainly a case of more is more. We have just over a week left and could still hit the $50K line if everything goes well. It's all very exciting. In fact, it's so exciting it's hard to sleep sometimes, lol.

While contemplating the game getting on Steam and the potential sales it could lead to I started thinking about what I would do with my share of the profits. The Bible says “What man buildeth a tower without first considering the cost?” Well, I've begun to ponder just what kind of tower I want to build. In the first place I'm not the kind of guy who is likely to go cash crazy and stat buying a bunch of junk that's just going to end up wasting money and taking up space. I don't want a Ferrari (well, not unless I get really, really rich and find one at a really, really good price, lol), or a $10,000 shot gun, or a Faberge Egg, or any of the other stupid things people want when they get a bit of money. I want practical, useful, and reasonable priced things. Like what you ask? Good question!

I use pictures to break up paragraphs :)
Anyways, first and foremost... well... first and foremost I have to handle what comes first. And what that is should be obvious. However, second and secondmost I want to get myself out of the financial wreck I'm in now (by paying off all the many bills I owe) and do what I can to keep from ever getting in another one. I feel like the first step toward that goal is to get a home I own. As I mentioned in previous posts I hope to get us a doublewide trailer. I've been working on this game for over 18 months now and haven't gotten paid yet. By the time I finally get my first royalty check I'll have been working on it for more than two years (maybe even like two and a half). Needless to say, that's a lot of back pay. I'm hoping and praying it will be more than enough (much more) to buy land and a doublewide cash. Then I plan to get a solar power setup so that we don't have to pay for electricity (add a well and we won't be paying for water either). Once that's done I want to expand the trailer and add four or six (not five) more rooms. I have a plan in mind as to how I want it done, I just have to hire some people to do it. (Really me and Dad E. and the boys could do it if push came to shove.) The last piece will be a little electric car (probably a Honda) so we could run and get groceries without paying for gas. If I can get all that setup we'll be in pretty good shape even if I go broke again. We'll have a home that's paid for, free electricity, and a car we can drive for free. I've been on the financial rocks and I don't like it. Lord willing it will never happen again, but if it does I hope to have my “tower” ready to ride out the storm in, lol.

OK, so once I've got all that what's next? (Keeping in mind that my first obligation comes first). Well, let me show you what I've been looking at :)

Yes, I've been browsing Yacht World. You see, Rachel and I were talking about wanting to go back to Dominica (as we often do) and I turned the conversation to us needing to get a house down there. She was against it. “There are so many houses for rent down there why buy one?” was the point she made. “Well, I don't want to rent again.” was my counter point. We talked back and forth and discussed one point and another. There's really a lot to consider. It costs us thousands of dollars to fly down. Also it's difficult to get flights lined up where you don't need to spend the night in San Juan. Well, with all our kids it's hundreds (and I mean many hundreds) of dollars a night to get rooms. Then you have to consider things like dealing with luggage and trying to find a rental house with air conditioning and a washer and dryer, etc, etc, etc. Then, of course, we also want to visit other Caribbean islands as well as Ireland and Scottland.

Well, all things considered it would be a lot better (and a lot cheaper) in the long run to buy a yatch. We can buy a used one, use it for years, and then sell it for close to what we paid for it (if we ever want to sell it). All we'll need to do is pay for taxes, maintenance, and fuel. So, we'll be able to sail down to Dominica and park in the bay by Soufriere. We won't need to worry about rent. We'll just have to buy fuel for the generator and get fresh water every few days. All in all I think we could save a lot of money and get to move around every few months just like we want to. It may be a rather pricey “tower”, but once we've priced it we can start saving toward it :)
Anyways, I've gabbed on enough for tonight. Please keep me in yours prayers. The last few days of a Kickstarter can be nerve wracking. We really want this game to be a smash hit and I've put a lot of work into it. Either way, really, I'm wrapping it up here. So, goodnight from South Carolina!