In my previous post I said I was on the road to recovery. Well, a little later last night I took a wrong turn. It started going down the wrong path about fifteen minutes before I went to bed. Ben put a fresh diaper on Isaac and did it a little too playfully considering Isaac was asleep at the time. He woke up and started going into “get up” mode as opposed to the desired “go to bed” mode.
Rachel told Ben he would need to stay up with Isaac until he fell asleep. At the time Ben seemed to think it wouldn't be a problem. However, by 12:30AM Isaac had awakened me three times. So, I got up to see what was going on. Everyone in the house was asleep with the exception of little Isaac. He wanted something to eat, something to drink, and Diego turned back on. By the time I got all that worked out I was good and awake. Also, my throat was a little sore and a touch swollen.
Once I had him taken care of I got myself some hot tea and started working on my maze generator. I felt like I was too sleepy to be working on code for Worlds of Magic. It turned out I had a few hours of clarity and probably could have worked on it without any problems. I actually got the second maze generation algorithm put in place and looked over enough others to decide that I only want to include one more in the first version of the asset.
About 3:30AM or so I managed to get back to sleep. Before I move on to what I did when I finally got up at about 7AM I wanted to share this picture with you.
Ben's bread is looking better and better :)
Anyways, I crawled out of bed in a daze with a huge workload hanging over my head. It was difficult to feel chipper. I got on my e-mail and got through it as quickly as I could. I took the same approach to all my work and by 10AM or so I was too burned down to keep working. I thank the Lord that we've got a full team working on the game. Even when one of us is out for one reason or another work still gets done.
A few minutes before I stopped for the day Rachel took Ben and Gabriel to Roseau with her. (Alec actually went into Roseau last night after the blog. A young lady, the daughter of one of our friends, had to go pick some stuff up and welcomed a volunteer to help her carry things. Alec was happy to be of service. Sadly he only got one picture. I'll have to share it later.) We needed a few things. She took a few pictures while she was there.
After they got back we all just lounged around the house for a while.
As exhausted as I am I took the kids to the sea. (For one thing it's supposed to be good for you if you're sick.) Rachel came with me which was a big help with Isaac and Felicity.
To make up for all the sea pictures we didn't get we tried to get a lot today.
Once again I've spent more than an hour fighting my stupid video editing software. So far I have nothing to show for it...
Neither me nor Rachel feel great tonight and we're going to miss Church. It stinks, but Lord willing we'll feel better soon. I think it's the heat mainly. In a couple of weeks that shouldn't be a problem. Of course, then the problem is going to be finding a ride to Church. Still, it's in the Lord's hands and he'll work it out :)
Alec wanted me to share a few more photos with you. We've got some strays hanging around the house that he's crazy about. So, to keep him happy here they are:
Either way, that's it for tonight. I really wish I could work out whatever's going on with those videos. It's really getting on my nerves... Oh well, I feel certain that I'll feel better after I get some sleep, lol. So, for the time being, good night from Dominica!
Loved all the pics. Hope you shake this thing and get back to normal soon. Love all of you!
ReplyDeleteI think I'l be alright by the weekend. I certainly hope so anyway. It's the area wide devotional this Sunday and we just about have to go, lol. Anyways, we love you all too.
DeleteLooks like Ben is getting really good at baking bread. Hope you feel better soon. Sounds like Alec is fitting right in there. Happy for all of you.
Ben's baking skills are certainly increasing. Alec has really been a member of our family for years now. It was weird not having him here, lol.