This morning I woke up at 6AM (in spite of the fact that I felt like I was almost in a coma) and very quickly started my daily routine. Although I didn't get as much done as I would have liked, I got a great deal more done than yesterday. If I can keep picking up the amount I get done each day between now and Friday I may still get the weekend off. (I'm supposed to go fishing with brother Freddy for a few hours on Saturday either way.)
A little before noon I needed a break so I went for a walk along with Rachel and most of the kids. We decided to go through the graveyard as Alec and Garbiel hadn't been through it yet.
We headed down to the Bubble Beach Spa and then climbed over a bit of a hill in order to reach a secluded rock beach I often visit. There was a lot to see there including several things we hadn't seen the entire time we've been here. Of course, we also saw loads of hermit crabs, snails, sea crabs, land crabs, etc. Rachel actually decided to bring a few hermit crabs home as pets for the time being.
I also decided to open one of the “almonds” to see if they were like those we're accustomed to.
As you can see, they're not. They have a mild flavor that reminded me of vanilla. Either way, not almonds.
We also saw a number of deceased sea urchins and a single star fish in the same condition. (We hadn't seen any of them before.)
One the way back the boys found one of the bush-tea type grasses. We brought it home and made up some tea with it :) Rachel also wanted me to take another picture of her using her wrap.
Later in the day the kids wanted to go to the sea again, so we did. It rained pretty good this morning and the sea was a little hazy but we still had a good time.
We also pulled out the underwater camera and got a few more shots.
Abby picked up a bucket of sand while we were down there to make “bedding” for the hermit crabs. Rachel took some pictures when they were done with it.
We're having more brownies for desert tonight. However, once again, the village seems to be out of eggs. Fortunately, you can use bananas as an egg substitute if you need to. Of course, the brownies end up a little banana flavored, but some people really like that... When we get out to Pond Casse I plan to get a load of chickens...
On another note, Alec and Gabriel are really enjoying themselves. They're having a great time and getting to see things they've never seen and do things they've never done. It's really an experience for them. It's funny to think that just a couple of months ago this was all new to us as well. By the time more of the family gets down here the two of them are liable to be “old hands” at all of this, lol.
Either way, it's late and I'm tired. I am more than ready for TV and relaxation. So, once again, good night from Dominica!
Fabulous pictures tonight!