OK, so those of you who keep up with my blog know that we're trying to get moved to Pond Casse as quickly as possible. You also know that the main reason is that we don't have air conditioning here and we could really use it at night. During the day it honestly doesn't bother me. I get used to it. Real fast. Plus, it almost never makes it all the way up to 90 degrees here so it's not all that hot. The problem is that I don't sleep well when it's warm. And last night it was still good and warm when I went to go to sleep. There was a little breeze playing through the window, but not nearly enough.
I awoke around 4AM and couldn't fall back to sleep. By that time it wasn't warm, it just wasn't cool either. It hadn't been hot enough to be “hot” all night, it was just warm enough to keep me from sleeping well. I laid in bed for around an hour before I decided I might as well get up and mess around on the computer. I played a little Haven and Hearth and handled all my e-mail. It was nice to have gotten that early a start. I went through my normal morning routine at my normal morning time (with the exception of brushing my teeth which I always do as soon as I get up) and by 7AM I was ready to start my forum work.
Before I did that I stepped outside to take a couple of pictures though. It was raining and sunshiny and breaking dawn all at the same time. I thought it was worth a few pictures. The first picture is actually of the moon and I took it before 6AM (I think), but I stuck it in here anyways.
By 9AM I had taken care of the minimum forum work I needed to and even worked a little on the wiki. I'm really hoping that things will calm down a bit next week and I'll be able to get more done. There is still a lot for me to get done and lately I've been pulled in more directions than I like.
Anyways, right around that time I caught the bus and headed for town. Brother Selwyn was heading in as well, so we had a nice chat on the ride up. I had gotten together everything I'd been told to get in order to have the Internet turned on. Guess what. It wasn't enough... OK, I guess technically is was “enough”, but no more. With what I had they could have authorized new lines to be run out to the house and there would have been two active phone lines and two active Internet connections. One would have been in my name and the other in the Armstrong's name. Plus, we would have had a seven business day wait and had to have been out there for the guys when they came to hook it up.
Needless to say I didn't like that option. The other option was to have Mrs. Armstrong e-mail them notifying them that she was releasing the account to me. Then they will be able to change the name on the account without any problem. The benefit is that the Internet will be on immediately. For those of you wondering if I still have to make the EC$500.00 deposit, why yes I do. Having gotten what information I could I headed home and e-mailed the Armstrongs. I also mentioned the electricity to them. I haven't heard from them yet, but am hoping to soon.
I had gotten all this done so quickly (even with the hour or so delay at the Lime office) that I had time to get some programming work done when I got home. Sadly I only had enough time to find a hole in my former theory on damage immunity and special abilities in general. Of course, now that I know there's a hole I don't think it will take me long to rework it. I just have to get it in my head as I write it up in the doc and then code it out. I may still be able to get it finished this week even with all the craziness going on.
Either way, by early afternoon some of the kids wanted to go to the sea. Obviously I took them.
The water was so cloudy there will be no underwater pictures today (sorry folks). It was as if clouds had settled into the very top of the sea. A few feet down it seemed to clear up, but I wasn't going to spend an hour swimming around three feet under the water trying to take pictures. The day had already put enough strain on me, lol. We stayed just long enough to cool off and headed home.
Once we were back I got to sit down for half an hour or so before I had to carry a load of clothes up to the Bellot's to hang up to dry. (We've pulled our clothesline down for the moment.) Dilian was playing tanks when I got up there. I decided that was a great plan and that I would take some time to play with him. So, I walked back down the hill and launched the game. It immediately started downloading an update that ultimately took an hour to install. While I was waiting Gabriel and I watched cooking videos on Youtube. We're trying to add variety to what we've got down here. Fried chicken, corndogs, and key lime pie should all be very easy to put on the menu.
Tanks finally started up and I got to play for about an hour before it was time to blog. The heat is making us all a little loungey and lazy. Also, Rachel wanted me to show you a few pictures of Titus tasting an ice pop.
It's almost time for Church, so I'm going to pause here. I'll be back in a few minutes.
OK, so do to the magic of the Internet that was mere moments for you. I had to live it out over the course of almost three hours. There's a good chance this was our last service with the Scotts Head congregation for a while. They really are part of our family and we'll miss them (as we do all our family), but we have to get where it's cooler. Once we have our own bus we could come down every Sunday if we wanted to. The bus really is a priority. We just have to get the money to buy one.
Anyways, I took a few more pictures.
So, this blog might have been a little early, but at this point it's way late, lol. I have to take a shower and I really want to watch some TV before I go to bed. So, goodnight from Dominica!
Hey there were pictures of kids with faces that is good. You mentioned food did you gt to eat any today or did you forget that. guess taht is all from here for today
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to take pictures you'll enjoy. And we had chicken adobo for dinner. We probably have that once a week. I'm wanting us to add more to the lineup :)
DeleteI have been waiting on this blog for hours----I forgot tonight was church night. I called your house to be sure eveyone was ok and talked to Libby and Ben for a few minutes. Looks like everyone had a good time today. Hope you get your internet up at the new house soon. Whew! Are you still planning to move on Saturday?
ReplyDeleteLove you all,
Mom E.
If we can get everything worked out we may try to move Thursday. I've got to try to get in touch with Lime today and see what I can find out. This has not been the easiest process ever, lol.