All in all it's been a good week. It's been cool which has had me sleeping deeply. I've gotten a lot of work done without having to kill myself to do it. And in addition to that I'm living on a tropical island and get to go to the beach almost everyday. Still, I'm glad it's Friday. I plan to kick the resting into high gear tomorrow.
Of course, even with that being the case I'll still probably end up working on my maze generator a little. It's coming along and looks like it's really going to be something awesome. Still, the main thing is going to be resting, Lord willing.
Today I got up and got to work much like normal. Things went wonderfully and the D20 system is now doing some pretty awesome stuff. When I first woke up it was raining. In fact, it was raining so hard I had to turn the lights on the do my morning reading.
Rachel got up about 15 minutes after I did this morning. I think it may be that the climate is having an effect on her, lol. Shortly after the little boys were up and both wanting her attention.
By around 10AM or so I had gotten enough done to take a short walk. I took more pictures today :)
That's a house being torn down by hand right down the road from us. I suspect they're clearing it out to build a new one.
See that power pole? Some of those cables were almost on the ground. The result of the recent storm, no doubt.
That's one of those trees that drops roots from it's branches.
The place is just loaded with fresh fruit :)
It also has some beautiful views and some big lizards.
Those are key limes. I just found them sitting on the ground...
And that's an ants nest.
We spent a few minutes hanging around the house before Rahcel went to town. She took these pictures.
Shortly after she got back from town we all went to the sea. And I mean ALL. It's not often we all head down there together. Sadly we didn't stay long. There was a bit of rain and the sea was rather stirred up. Still, we managed to get cooled off.
Libby did find a shed crab shell floating around and I saw a nice flower on the way home.
Anyways, it's Friday night and I started working on this a little late. So, I'm wrapping it up. Good night from Dominica!
Huge variety of pics tonight. I had to laugh at the Carolina Pride hams! That was cool. There were 2 or 3 kinds of fruit I could not identify. If you know what they are, please always tell us. I thought that one looked like a cashew you had a picture of on here one time, but wasn't positive. It looks nothing like you'd imagine a cashew nut to look like. Glad all of you got to the sea today. Love and miss you all.