This is likely to end up being one of the most photo-light posts I've done so far. The reason being that I was home most of the day and, once again, Rachel forgot to take the camera with her when she went up town. Either way, I hope to have many more to share tomorrow, so hopefully it will balance out.
This morning I got up, went through the normal routine, and then checked my e-mail. Mr. Armstrong (the owner of the house in Pond Casse) had let me know that the Internet situation was in hand. In fact, I should be able to got get it switched over to my name tomorrow without any problems. There should be no down time as the service won't actually be turned off. It's on now and is going to stay on. The only thing changing is the name on the account.
It turns out the electricity is going to be a trickier matter, but I think we're going to handle transferring it to my name after the move. For the moment we should be able to leave it in the Armstrong's name and just pay the bill. This isn't what we want in the long run obviously, but nobody wants to wait another to week to move into the new house. (Especially considering the fact that our rent here would be do on Tuesday.) So, we're just going to move and work out the details in the next couple of weeks.
Anyway, all this means that we may actually move tomorrow. Also, we have to file for our extension by Monday and I would rather do it Friday. That being the case tomorrow and Friday are going to have pretty big holes in them from a “work time” point of view. So, I needed to get a lot done today. Thank the Lord, I did. The discussions on our forums continue to add more and more to the game and help it take firmer and firmer shape. Worlds of Magic may be setting records for the amount of fan input that actually makes it in game. In addition the work on the Wiki moves forward day by day and I'm making strides on putting together the “building theory” document that specifies what buildings need to do what for each race. I also managed to get some coding done. All of it added up into a very fruitful day. However, it didn't make for many pictures...
At some point I did think the grab the camera and snap a few shots around the house.
I also got a few pictures from our sea bath today. They're not great. It was a lot better in real life. The water was very clear and several schools of fish (consisting of thousands) were swimming around. Either way, here's what I got:
I haven't mentioned it up to this point, but today is Alec's 15th birthday (Happy Birthday Alec!) and Aunt Rachel made him pizza. That's what he wanted rather than cake. She had to make a special trip to town to get the ingredients, but she did it :) I also took some more “around the house” pictures (mainly for the grandparents).
Rachel wanted me to take a picture of that because as the kids grabbed slices it looked like an AT-AT from Star Wars, lol.
Anyway, I hope to give you guys a lot more in the photo-department tomorrow. There's a lot to see in Pond Casse and with us moving there are going to be a lot of photo opportunities. Either way, that's it for tonight. I want to get some pizza and rest up for the days to come. Once again, goodnight from Dominica!