Yes, that's ice cream, whole milk, and Borden chocolate milk. The Borden was only EC$6.99/US$ 2.62 for a half gallon. Not too bad all things considered :)
I spent most of my day waiting on Rachel to get back, eating bakes, and playing Neverwinter with Jesse and Joey. Around 2PM we decided to take the kids down to the sea. Before we did I walked a ways down another of the roads near our house and took a few pictures.
Then, as we had planned, we went to the sea. Even Isaac is getting used to swimming. Ben wanted to stay home and watch the baby, so we let him. Obviously while we were down there we took more pictures.
An interesting note to stick in here is that we lost Isaac's shoes Saturday. We hadn't seen them since. Today, when we walked down to the sea we were looking around for them when one of the ladies living by the beach produced the shoes and asked if they were what we were looking for. We thanked her and told her they were indeed the object of of search.
After we got home I played a little more Neverwinter while Rachel cooked up chicken and rice. Again, the meal was excellent.
Later in the evening Corin came over to do Rachel's hair. She's having it done up in tight braids to see if it helps her manage her hair. We'll see how it goes, lol.
Around the same time I decided to dish out our first ice cream of the Caribbean, along with the first glass of milk.
While I was writing this the call went out for chocolate milk as well. I stopped writing to go pour everyone a glass. It's not the kind of thing we can have everyday, but it's great for a treat.
Again, this was a slow day (at least for me), which was nice. Please keep us in your prayers. I don't have pictures of the house to show you, but Rachel assures me that it would be a good fit for our family. There are even two cabins we might be able to lease within walking distance of the house. These could be perfect for those family members who are thinking of joining us here. We think we would like to get the house, but the Lord knows best. I'm praying he will give us the best answer for our family.
The time has come again for TV and free up (what they call relaxing down here). So, I wish you all a very good night from Dominica!
Praying for the best about the house. Also, now that I've learned to put these pics in folders, I HOPE you suggested a computer with ENOUGH MEMORY for me to save them all!