Today we were meant to go to one of the many rivers the country offers. We planned to leave between the rather wide window of 10AM and Noon. However, that didn't work out. Eventually Rachel decided to make bakes while we were waiting. She also took a few pictures of the kids enjoying them.
The clock ticked on until after lunch time and the Bellots invited us to come eat at their house while we were all waiting. We had chicken, rice, lintels, and some kind of potato salad stuff. In addition they had made tarts for desert. Once again I ate until my stomach hurt.
After a couple more hours we found out that Freddy had gotten yet another flat. (That is to say the same tire went flat. He hasn't had the time/money to have it replaced yet.) At around 4PM we decided to give up and go for a sea bath instead.
Before I got in the water I went on another short explore. I wanted to go where I had taken Caleb and the girls the other day, but go a bit further. I took a few pictures of Soufriere and Scotts Head along the way.
I didn't get very far before I ran into a natural wall. I couldn't get around it, but there was a very pretty spot in the water beside it. I took what pictures I could.
I also took a few pictures on my walk back to where Rachel and the kids were swimming.
I got back to find that Caleb needed taken back up to the house real quick. Fortunately it's only a few blocks. I snapped a shot of a little treasure I found while I had a moment.
The top pic is an unripe almond, the one below it is an almond tree. They are all over Soufriere. As soon as they ripen we'll have as many almonds as we want. That is great news for our family. We may even try to make our own almond milk. We'll keep you posted as they ripen.
We took a few more pictures down at the beach for the grandparents.
One of the morals of this story is that we are really going to have to get our own car. Well, we don't NEED one strictly speaking. We can certainly survive without one with very little effort. However, we can have a great deal more fun and see a lot more of the country if we have our own car. It's moving way up the list of things I want.
That was pretty much our day here. I did get some work done in the early morning, followed by some online gaming with Joey. Other than that there was a whole lot of waiting. We can't blame Freddy. Work comes first. No one can argue that. Still, we can't help but want our own car. It's a pain to try to fit nine people in a single cab, lol.
I'm sure we will get one in God's good time, however. Until then we'll just do the best we can and plan to explore locations that are within walking distance of us. Believe it or not that includes a great deal. In fact, I just found out this afternoon that the field I had taken pictures of a few days ago was the camp site for the Pirates of the Caribbean crew during part of their stay here.
Either way, that's enough for tonight. Good night once again from Dominica!
Thanks for blogging. Love the pics. Keep them coming. As good as your brother is at working on cars, maybe you should see if he could start a car repair place there and find you a good, cheap van he can get running for you guys. I bet he'd have all the work he could handle working on those passenger vans!