Of course, when you don't have your own car things aren't always that easy. This time, however, they were. Dilian and I walked down to Freddy's house and woke him up. He was willing to take us to get the washer (and do some shopping up town) even though he had been bitten on the foot by a centipede night before last. They are one of the few insects on the island with painful bites. In fact, Freddy's had a rough few days. He lost a pocket full of money up town, fell in a ditch and broke his glasses, and then got bit by the centipede. Some weeks are just like that I guess...
Either way he was willing to take us. We started out by running to Scotts Head so Dilian could take care of some business. While I was there I got some pictures of the Atlantic ocean. It's hard to tell but those waves are about 6 feet high.
Then I walked maybe 100 feet and took some pictures of the Caribbean Sea. The waves in those (if you can see them) are about a foot high (maybe).
I also took a picture of Soufriere from Scotts Head as well as a picture of this mountain peak I told Uncle Grover about. I think it would cool to build a house on it.
While we were waiting for the young lady who was going to show us where the washing machine was for sale, I took a picture of Point Michel. It's one of the communities between Soufriere and Roseau. I also took a couple of pictures of houses built on the mountainside. It was first time I had been that high above Roseau and in a good position to take pictures.
When I got home there were ice pops Rachel had made in the freezer. This was good as I was both hot and thirsty. She took some pictures of me fighting with the washing machine. I had just about given up when Jemma (one of the Bellots neighbors and a friend of ours) found one of the hoses that came with her washer. It was a perfect fit and got us up and running :)
While we were out Dilian bought these giant cookie things for the kids from the local bakery (I forget what he called them). They were delicious.
I took a coupe more shots of the washing machine just because it's our first Dominican appliance purchase.
Later in the evening Rachel was doing a little multitasking that I took a picture of.
That's the end of my pictures for tonight. Going to town eats a lot of the day up right now. I believe that will change once we have our own car. At the time of this writing Rachel has already washed our first load of towels and hung them up to dry. So, that was certainly a prayer answered.
We also heard back from Mr. Armstrong today. They plan to lease the house we want to us for EC$2000.00/US$749.00 a month. They are having the lease papers drawn up ASAP. In two months we should be able to move into the house we wanted before we ever came here. Also, they are willing to lease the two nearby cabins to us for EC$1500.00/US$562.00 a month (that's just US$281.00 each). That's not too bad a price. (They are unfurnished, so we'll have to think about it. Still, it's good to know they are there if we want them.) All in all, it's been another answered prayer.
It's late, I'm tired, you know the story. Good night from Dominica!
Hooray for a good day!