I started work on the second issue first this morning by taking an almost hour long walk. I found a couple of very deceptive dead end roads and managed to walk about half way to Scott's Head and back. I was really tempted to walk all the way down there, but as Rachel and I don't have cell phones yet I decided against it. I figured she might begin to wonder where I was. Either way, I took some nice pictures while I was walking.
I also took a shot of some of the seemingly constant construction work that's going on all over Soufriere. The place is loaded with empty houses for rent and houses under construction. I can only guess that a lot of these are going to be seasonal rentals for tourists.
I also got another contrast shot of a wired shanty and the house next to it. It's really an odd little village in some ways. At least, from an American point of view.
Rachel made ham rice (with turkey ham) and corn bread for lunch. I was very good. I ate so much I hurt my stomach.
She had to head up to the Bellot's to do some laundry. I walked up to carry the laundry for her. One the way back Caleb and I went for another little explore down a road I wasn't sure where went.
Later in the day Caleb saw some guys playing cricket and went out to join them.
As is often the case down here we ended the day with a sea bath. I took a few more pictures for everyone. I even took one of the fish the kids found floating around in the surf. Caleb wanted to bring it home. Needless to say, I didn't let him.
The Bellot's made a pumpkin pie for desert tonight and shared some with us. It was much like pumpkin pie back home. Very tasty. I hope to get a picture of it tomorrow. (The Bellot's took one before it was eaten.) Until then here is one last pic for the Grandmas.
I hope to go to Roseau tomorrow to pick up some money from Western Union and check on the price of ferry tickets. I also have to look into the rules concerning people coming into the country with ferry tickets as their “return tickets”. I have a large number of family members waiting on that information. (Gabriel and Alec, you have not been forgotten!)
The point is that I should have more of Roseau to show you tomorrow. It will just be Dilian and I, so I should be able to take a few pictures as we wander around taking care of business. It's late and I'm tired. It's time for some good old fashioned Television. So, good night from Dominica!
Thanks for the blog and the pics. It's late here too and I'm headed to bed myself. Love you all!