I'm not quite to the point where I can say I'm back “in the swing of things”, but I'm at least where I can see it from here. For instance I don't feel up to getting on World of Tanks this afternoon, but I'm at least thinking about it. I had Rachel pick me up a little cheapy headset the other day. I suspect by this time of the day that Dilian is on blowing up tanks left and right. I want to team up with him so we can do some talking and destroying together. I don't know if he's got a headset that works right now though... We'll have to work something out either way. I also need to try to make time on the weekends to play a little Neverwinter. Sam and Becky play it a fair amount and Joey and I get on and run with them sometimes. For my own part I like SWTOR. It's got a long list of compelling stories. I can play and relax and I don't have to think too much, lol. Either way, part of my “swing” is the games I play. I need to find the time to game with my friends as well as alone. It's funny to think that Internet video games allow people on other sides of the world to keep in touch and interact socially.
Work went well for me today. I managed to drag myself out of bed at about 6:20AM and by 6:30AM I was at my desk working. It turned out Les (the producer) and some of the staff worked up at the office through the entire night. He pulled a little over a 24 hour shift. Needless to say that's not easy. They were working on the new Kickstarter video. I really want to see it, but not enough for them to have worked through the night. They all headed home this morning, but were actually still working from home the last time I checked. That's determination! The team is really doing a great job. The battle board keeps evolving and I feel we're really going to get a good response when we show it to the public. We even plan to share it with some youtubers (possibly before we show the public) and see if they can't help us drum up a little interest. Publicity is key to a successful Kickstarter campaign and nothing creates publicity like positive word of mouth. Lord willing this second campaign will raise enough for us to finish the game like we want, with new and improved graphics!
After a couple of hours I had to head to Williston. I needed to go by Alec's old school and pick up his transcripts and immunization records. I also had to go by the old trailer and get the last of our stuff out of it. Of course I forgot the camera. That's why the pictures have nothing to do with what I've been talking about so far (well that and pictures of me working are really boring to look at, lol). Anyways, I woke Ben and Alec up to come with me and help me move things. They didn't complain although they did drag a bit. Once we were loaded up we headed to Mom and Dad Y's to pick up the dolly (hand truck) and drop off the key to Wesley Cling's trailer. After that we headed to Williston, got what we had to done, and headed back to Beech Island. After we dropped off the appliances we headed straight back to the house. Needless to say, all this took a lot longer to do then it did to explain. It was about 2PM by the time we got back to the house and I was pretty much worn out.
I did manage to get a little more work done before my brain was fried. However, the fact is that it wasn't long before it was time for SWTOR. Once again, it's not quite 5PM and I feel like I could go to bed. Rachel has gone up town to pickup a few groceries. As soon as she gets back I think it's going to be TV time. I'm getting my stamina back day by day, but part of that process is rest. Speaking of which, it's about time for some rest, lol.
I think by this weekend I'll really be alright. I want to get a lot done next week. With any luck we'll have launched the new campaign and I'll be talking to fans, posting updates on our progress, and maybe even doing more interviews. I also want to really start publisher hunting. I need to start contacting a few a week. I really think I'll get published in time. I mean, I may not have written the best book in the world, but I've read worse, lol. Speaking of which, that's another thing I want to work back into my routine. Before we left to go to Dominica I used to spend about an hour a night reading. Since we left things have been too crazy for me to get to it. Ah well, I'm getting closer all the time to my “normal” schedule. And to be honest, I can't wait.
Well, Rachel just pulled up, so I guess this is a good place to call it tonight. You should be hearing from me soon. Until then, goodnight from South Carolina!
Everybody looks like they are starting to get the hang of a few things...
ReplyDelete@Hey Rach when you set up your sewing machine and ready to sew let me know.
Good evening from Dominica
We are slowly getting situated day by day. It just takes a while. I suspect it won't be too long before Rachel has her sewing machine setup. :)
DeleteI was glad to see you, Ben, and Alec for a few minutes today. I think daddy is going to try to get the transmission back together tomorrow and then maybe by Sat., we will know if his repairs worked! The kids look well settled in and I'm glad the boys were washing dishes for Rachel. Gabriel is working hard and doing well on his school work, but he says he sure does miss hanging out with Ben and Alec. I hope they can get together on the weekends.
ReplyDeleteI think they will be able to spend the weekends together. Especially once we have enough cars to go around. Lord willing Dad's repairs will work out perfectly.