The title of this post represents what it is I hope to have soon. That is to say, a cascade success. If I can get up on my feet in any one area it ought to help me get completely up on my feet. Take Worlds of Magic for example. If it's the success I hope it is I'll have the money I need to pull Console Classix up to the next level. I have a number of improvements in mind that might literally make it a multimillion dollar company. Getting my book published on top of that would be real icing on the cake. For the last few years I've been working away plowing and planting. The thing is that the harvest belongs to the Lord. I can only do what I do and keep plowing and planting. Success isn't mine to give or take. The crop grows because God makes it grow. I'm hoping and praying He's about to make my crop grow, lol. I know I've been talking a lot about that lately, but it's on my mind a lot. There are so many things I want to do and I'm not going to be able to do many of them until I can make some more money. I've put in a lot of work the last few years, it just hasn't been overly profitable.
Of course, the game is going very, very well. Today we put up version 4.44 of the battle board. We're hoping to get a little more feedback before we put up the public version tomorrow or the next day. Already the team has made great strides. It is much better than it was just last week. It won't be long and the battle board will be complete and we'll be moving on to finishing the world map. We want to get a “vertical slice” ready as quickly as we can so we can line up a publisher. Strictly speaking we don't really need one, but I think we'll get much better sales if we do have one. Plus we'll be able to get an advance and if we need any extra money for graphics or what have you that will come in handy. We're working real hard to make sure WoM is a smash hit. We have a lot of ideas for the future and want to create a lot of DLC (Downloadable Content) for the game. The bigger the game is to begin with the more quickly we'll be able to add things.
I'm really hoping that by next week I'll have the time to work on some of my other game ideas. Having seen just how Worlds of Magic has taken shape I now realize how important it is to start working on your Development Doc early. I've jotted down a few notes for future ideas, but I haven’t had much time to fill them out. After all, I have to work on them in my spare time. I have enough dev work to handle with Worlds of Magic. I can't work on other games “on the clock” as it were. Again, this may not seem like much of a leisure activity to most of you, but my brain gets a rest out of it just because it's a change of pace.
Anyways, that's enough about that, on to what we did today. I got up late, but still in plenty of time to get ready for Church. The older boys had gone to spend the night with Young Jacob and the girls had gone to spend the night with Granny. That was very convenient because everyone woke up with a ride, lol. Rachel woke up a little under the weather and decided to stay home in case she was sick. She kept the three younger boys with her to make things easier on me. I ended up meeting Mom Y. at her house and she and I took the girls to Church together. On the way home we ran into some bike race and it took us about an hour to make the fifteen minute ride home. Because of that I got back to the house late and as a result I wasn't able to get playing as early as I wanted. I did get some gaming in, but not near as much as I wanted. I'm just going to have to aim for next weekend, lol.
In just a few minutes I plan to get to watching TV. I want to get as much “relax” as possible in what's left of my Sunday. So, in the spirit of that, goodnight from South Carolina!
I need to learn how to really use a camera, the I can invest in an even better one, lol.