Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Settling In Again

Today was our first day in the new house. It's a nice place, but we're all exhausted. For months it's been “living out of suitcases” and “time to move again”. I've had enough of it for while, lol. I think we all have. None of us are feeling 100%. I'm hoping that we'll get a little better sleep tonight and can get up a little earlier tomorrow. I'm also hoping we can get a few groceries and start restocking the pantry once again.

It was very pleasant to drink out of one of my old coffee cups today. We're going to have to get established and build a new home. I now know for certain that we want a home in the US and other homes abroad. I'm hoping and praying the Lord will make that happen. I don't want to move from rental house to rental house, but I don't want to be stuck in any one place either.

What I'd really like to do for the US is buy a double wide. I know I've mentioned it a few times, but I'll probably mention it again before we've finally gotten one, lol. This is a really nice house in a really nice neighborhood, but I still prefer the country. A good size double wide on ten or twelve acres would really hit the spot right now, lol.

Either way, this is going to be a very short post. I have a lot to talk about, but am too tired to type it up right now. In fact, I'm going to call it right after these pictures:

Alright, I'm really too tired to keep working on this. So, goodnight from South Carolina!


  1. Thanks for the pics. Looks like the kids adjusted quickly. The living room (or den) where the baby was with the couch and love seat set up already look nice. I'm sure that was a lot of work. Hope everyone gets feeling back to normal quickly. Love you all!

    1. I think we'll get back to normal when we get a little more time to rest. That may be w few days though, lol.

  2. I am happy to see that you all are ok and are only in need of much needed rest. Love the pics

    1. I'm glad you like them. I'm going to try to take some away from the house today :)
