Today hasn't been too busy. Well, compared to yesterday anyway. I still didn't manage to make it by the bank, which means my tax payment is late. (This isn't the one I was talking about earlier. This is a different tax payment I pay each month.) Still, there's a grace period. At least I think there is. I ended up paying it late last month too. Lord willing I'm finally going to get everything caught up and on an even keel by next month. It's been a bit of a bumpy road. Really it's been a bit of a bumpy road for around five years now. That's when we started building the house and the economy tanked and our business began to drop off.
Either way, the Lord's in control and these downs are eventually going to lead to ups again. It's easy to get tired sometimes. I've found myself hoping and praying that we're not going to go through seven years of famine after our seven (or so) years of abundance. (That's a reference to the famine in Egypt during Jacob's lifetime.) I suppose even if it turns out to be seven years I should be happy that we're around five into it now. It was in October or November of 2008 I think when things started to take a dive. My brother and I deiced to buy some stock just before it went practically belly up. Ah well, the Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away. And really this isn't very low for a “low ebb”. I'm just ready for a high tide of success once again.
Today was about audio recording. I started this morning and one thing added to another I didn't finish until this afternoon. In fact it 3:19PM right now. It was the voice over work I had to do for our second Kickstarter campaign. I'm supposed to do the video work tomorrow. I'm hoping to get it finished up quickly, but I haven't even printed up the script yet. I plan to get to that first thing tomorrow. Then I need to get by a couple of banks, go pay the rent on the house, signup for Internet service, and possibly start moving things. It would be good if we could move into the house this weekend. I'm not sure that's going to happen, but we can try.
It's funny how my home life and work life like to work together to make sure that when I'm busy I'm really busy. It doesn't always happen, but it often does. I'm sure it happens to most people, but I'm also quit confident that the more you will work the more you'll have to. Not that it's a bad thing, it's just a true thing. I know people that would hardly bother to go stand in the shower if they were on fire. Those people never have anything they need to do. Then I know people who keep themselves busy all the time and life finds even more to throw at them. Still, all things considered, I'd rather be one of the busy ones.
Once we get in that other house I'm hoping to get back on schedule and start getting up a 6AM again. As it stands now our sleeping arrangements aren't perfect (for any of the adults around here) as there are kids in most of the rooms at night. Isaac loves to turn in the bed sideways so he can kick one of us while butting the other one with his head. I'm not sure how he gets any enjoyment out of it in his sleep, but he must as much as he does it. The result is that I get up at about 7:15AM and start the day almost an hour behind. I don't like that and as good as the work environment is here (which is surprisingly good under the circumstances) I don't get as much done as quickly as I'd like to.
As I often do I ask that you keep us in your prayers. I am very tired and I am really hoping and praying this second KS campaign goes well. If it went really well we might be able to bring on some more coders as well as some more artists and even get the game into beta ahead of schedule. That would be a real blessing. I want to get to the stage where I am really truly just working on the game aspect and don't have to worry about the rest of this. It would also be nice to get paid, lol.
That's all I have for you guys at the moment. So, goodnight from South Carolina!
Those are actually "miniature donkeys", but yes, they're donkeys non-the-less :)
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, people eat almost every animal in the world if you look around enough, lol. Still, eating horses and their like is frowned on in the US just as it would be in Dominica.