This morning I woke up at around 4:30AM. I couldn't get back to sleep so I decided I might as well get to work. As usual I checked my e-mail first thing. To my amazement I didn't have any Worlds of Magic e-mails at all. I was a little shocked and shot Les a message to let him know I was up. As it turned out, part of the reason I hadn't had any word was because the rendering software we're using for the KS video crashed. So, they had to start it over. Lord willing it will be done over the weekend. The video was sent out to a rendering farm because it would take 20 to 40 hours to do it on a normal machine. At this point that might have actually saved time... Oh well, there's nothing for it, but to press on. I can't wait to see the video. I really hope it turns out looking good. It took me hours to record my section of it. I don't even know if they got any video of the rest of the team. I know they were talking about it, but I don't know what the final decision was.

A little later in the morning one of the team (Mat) got in touch with me to ask about Unit Abilities. I'll spare you the details, but I had to put together a long list of what units need to be able to do in the game. Once I was “done” with that we decided that I needed to flesh out the list of roaming creatures (creatures that wander around the map not really serving anyone) to see if we missed any abilities we might need. Fortunately I had already started work on the list a while back. In order to fill it out we're going to try use some “off the shelf” solutions. For one thing we really could use some more common monsters in the list. Leaving “mundane” monsters out of a game like this would be like leaving potatoes out of stew. It just wouldn't be the same without them.
In addition to all this I got a little more work done on the forums. There's a debate about one of the races that's actually being managed by one of the volunteer moderators. He's done a great job! It looks like it's going to save me a whole lot of time which is nice. In fact, I got an early enough start and things went well enough that I actually found the time to send a submission off to another publisher. Be praying for me. I intent to start trying to send out around ten submissions a week until I get a hit. As I've said many times before: “It may not be the great American novel, but it's still pretty good.” Lord willing it will just be a matter of determination. Keep on keeping on as they say, lol.

I also got time to play SWTOR and am edging ever closer to playing WoT. If tomorrow goes as well as today I may be playing tomorrow night. Of course, we have to go back to Williston for another load of stuff. I'm hoping we can knock that out quickly and get back to the house. I really want to get a rest. Saturday is about my best day for rest. People only expect me to do a minimum amount of work and we don't have Church.
Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy going to Church. In fact, now we have an A week/B week thing going on where we're visiting two congregations. The problem at the moment is that we're short on vehicles. Dad has been working on his van since right after we got back to the US. It's not up and running yet, but he's getting close. Even when we get the van back it's going to need a bit of work. Plus, with Alec here, we're actually short two seats when it's time to head to Church. The result is car juggling and extra effort. All in all the result is: Not Restful.

Obviously it's worth the effort, I just wish I was going to have more real “time off” this weekend (or “free up” as they say in Dominica). Still, the truth is that we probably won't launch the new KS campaign until Tuesday, so I may be able to take a little time off on Monday (We do have to run up town to get some paper work notarized and mailed off, but that shouldn't take too long.) I am hoping and praying that it won't take me more than a few hours a day to manage the campaign. This time I think we're a lot more organized and we know a lot more up front about what to expect. This will actually be my third campaign and hopefully my second successful one.

Either way, I've gabbed on enough for this afternoon. If you wonder what the pictures are of they're of the neighborhood. I took a quick walk around the block and snapped a few photos. I also forgot to mention that Caleb has befriended one of the neighborhood boys. Little AJ is also seven. So far they're getting on like a house on fire. He's very happy to have a friend nearby his own age. That hasn't been common for the little guy. Even when we were living in Williston his cousin Gideon only came over about once a week. Really we need to have him over soon. I think Gabriel is planing to spend the weekend with us. I suppose we'll pick him up tomorrow if he doesn't get dropped off tonight.
Either way, I obviously feel a little bit better. This post is a little longer than they have been lately, lol. So, for now, goodnight from South Carolina!