Monday, November 18, 2013

What A Weekend!

So, the title of this post refers to the fact that I had a great weekend rather than to some other business bomb explosion. It was a very nice change. I love variety, it's the spice of life, but I freely admit that routine also has some serious advantages. Being able to get up, get my work done, and relax a bit is very, very nice. It's also good to be able to take the weekend off. I haven't been able to do that in many, many weeks. True, I still have to handle my e-mail and forums work, but the fact is that it's slow on the weekends anyway. This weekend I got to game for about twenty hours or so. I played SWTOR and WoT and generally had a good old time. It was great! I hope to be able to do it again this weekend.

The above are pictures of our “new” car. If it looks hauntingly familiar it's because it's basically the same model as our “old” car. It turns out it's a Chrysler, not a Plymouth, but that hardly matters. What matters is that it runs great, we got it at a good price, and it's parts are compatible with our other van. We were able to make use of it this Sunday when we went to Church. It was very nice to be able to load everyone into our own vehicles and roll out. It takes a lot of the aggravation out of the process. Plus, I didn't have to be late. I drove away and left Rachel and most of the kids to catch me up, lol. I've been late most of my marriage. It was nice to be on time for a change (well... less late anyways).

For comparison I've included a number of pictures of the old van:

And a couple of screenshots, just for fun :)

I was also able to enjoy my new computer this week. It's pretty much the best gaming machine I've ever had (when compared to current game requirements). My having a new machine also freed up a really good machine for the kids. Abby and Caleb are very happy about that. We've still got to get that other computer we got from the guy with the van setup. We plan to put it in the girl's room (Abby and Felicity's room, Elisabeth has her own) so that Abby can tinker with that drawing table we got her. She's got some real artistic talent. In fact, she's been making some things with clay lately. I need to take some pictures of the things she's made for you guys to see. I'll try to make a point of it.

Church Pictures:

Now, as I mentioned in my last post, I have a number of “lost pictures” to share with you. Most of these were taken on our trip to pick up our washing machine down there. I wish we had gotten some photos of brother Freddy, as he was the one driving us. Ah well, we should be able to get plenty of pictures of him next time we're down there. I also really need to take a better camera when we go. You can see how much better the photos Dilian took are, and he just used a phone, lol. (Admittedly, it is a very nice Windows Phone...)

Beautiful aren't they? And I was there.... Well, I plan to be there again in about fourteen months, so I guess it's not that big a deal. Of course, we miss everyone. We can't wait to get into our “world travelers” routine. If WoM is the hit we believe it's going to be we should be able to really do it like we want to. Touching that: Worlds of Magic is going to have a one page article in the largest gaming magazine in Europe. Now, when you couple that with our two page article coming out in Australia we've got some pretty good world coverage. Especially for a game that hasn't come out yet :)

Either way, that's enough for now. I'll try and do another post in the next few days. Goodnight from South Carolina!!


  1. Yes, it is a real blessing to have enough vehicles to go around.

    I saw you on tanks yesterday, but I was playing with Caleb at the moment. Do you have a headset?

  2. Loved the pics Jeremy. Next time slip back in the classroom in Williston at church and snap some of the chaos! The kids do learn and also have a blast! Love you, Mom
