So, on Sunday right at Noon our Kickstarter wrapped up having raised $34,139. That made for a grand total of a little more than $106,000 between the two campaigns. Needless to say we're all very stoked about it. Of course, we're also all very burned out. I've done as little work as possible on WoM in the past two days. Tomorrow Joey and I are suppose to take care of some stuff. However, I plan to get into things more “full swing” by Thursday. We were all so worn down that Les saved the team's “victory celebration” for today. Worlds of Magic is the first game Les has ever had Greenlit. So, it's a big deal for all of us. Anyway, post-KS-fatigue was one of the reasons I didn't feel up to posting Sunday night.

Caleb took the pictures of the Firetruck. One of the firemen was working on it across the street. Needless to say, Caleb had to go meet him, lol.
The other reason was the fuel pump on the van. Dad and I had to run down to the Pull-A-Part and grab a used one. That took about twenty minutes. Then we had to swap out the one in the van for the “new” pump. That took about two and a half hours. You see, there's a plastic ring that holds the pump in the gas tank. Normally you just twist it off. Well, mine hadn't been taken off the tank in nine or so years, so it was stuck... We ended up having to chisel it off. By the time all that was done I certainly didn't feel up to blogging, lol.
Yesterday was a different matter. I was just being lazy. I got up early and got my work done as quickly as I could, then I played a little SWTOR before loading up the kids and going “trailer shopping” with Rachel. Sadly the van still isn't running right. The fuel pump definitely needed to be replaced, but it's also clear that it has some other problems. Unfortunately the issue is something that can be caused by a number things, so it may take me a little time to track it down. Either way, we had a good time looking at trailers. I really want us to put a bit of thought into it before we get our double wide.
So, that's what's been going on for the past couple of days. I'm still a little run down, but I feel certain I'll pick up after a few more days rest. Now that the Kickstarter is over I just need to focus on designing the game. That should make for less hectic days. In any event, I'm going to run for now. Goodnight from South Carolina!
I agree, but Mom Yates wants me to post everyday, lol.