I had some plans for today. They didn't work out. I wanted to go to the Pull-A-Part and pick up a fuel pump for the van. It was running so bad day before yesterday that we've decided to keep driving it down to a minimum until I do some work on it. As a result the kids missed the Winfield Heights party. Instead they went trick-or-treating around the neighborhood. They had a good time and got a lot of candy. Everyone also loved their costumes. Libby went as a “murderer”. By her own description that is someone wearing a hockey mask and carrying a chainsaw. We explained that a chainsaw would be too heavy, however, and she went with a sickle instead. Abby, Caleb, Felicty, and Isaac went as the Scarecrow, the Tinman, the Lion, and Dorthy. Felicity was even carrying a stuffed witch. Needless to say, everyone thought they were super cute.

Things are going very well with the Kickstarter. We've gotten close to 100 new backers in the last 24 hours or so and we've passed the $26K mark. We still have a very good chance of hitting that $30K stretch goal. Thank the Lord, it looks like WoM is going to be a big hit and launch my game making career with a serious bang.
Dave Baumgartner called me this morning. He's setup a Facebook page for his music. He's also setup a Youtube account and has a Twitter account in place. In the next six months or so he wants to launch his own Kickstarter to try to fund the production of his first album. He has got some real musical talent and I expect it to be a big success. We're going to do everything we can to make it work. I have high hopes for it. :)

This may not be much of a post, but it's been a really quite day. I've played a little SWTOR and maybe able to play a little Tanks here in a few minutes. As short a post as this is I'm going to run. I may do something worth posting about soon. I'll let you guys know, lol. So, for the moment, goodnight from South Carolina!
You know Libbby, lol. She decided "murderer" was the theme and that was the end of it. :)