So, breaking with the tradition of the last few weeks I'm working on this post on a Sunday. Yesterday was “Derby Day” as well as Abigail's birthday. Once again I failed to get enough pictures. The fact is that I need a new camera (I know I keep saying that, but this thing keeps reminding me of how bad it is...) and I have got to become more “camera conscious” or whatever. Of course, we are kind of like hippies in some ways. That's to say, we lack formality and organization unless we need it. For instance yesterday we had a decentralized party for Abby. Everyone went and sang happy birthday to her when they wanted a cupcake. I was even out of the room when they decided to do that. By the time I got finished with what I was doing it was all over, lol. So, there weren't a lot of photo opportunities that I ignored or anything.
Of course, that's the way we like it. We have parties to have fun, not to stick to some form or schedule of events. And Abby had a great time, which was the main point of the party in the first place. Either way, here are the pictures I took this week:
Those of you who are paying attention may have noticed that our one year anniversary is coming up on Wednesday. As of May 7th it will have been a year since we first landed in Dominica. It's amazing how times flies. I am really looking forward to going back. However, all this really has nothing to do with the overall point of my post.
Once again we're going to skip to the “what I've been thinking” part of the post. (There's a little news, but we'll leave it for the end.) The main thing I've been mulling over this morning is that I'm not boring. I say that because it would be hard to tell it from my blog. Something about the life I live and the way I tell it (or don't tell it) leads people to yawn city. I don't have a firm theory as to why that is yet. I suspect some of it has to do with the fact that I'm just not funny enough. Or exciting enough. Or anything in particular enough.
I have plenty of funny and/or exciting things happen to me. I mean, just this morning I got up and realized there was glue all under my desk. I have no idea why it was there, but the empty bottle was just lying right by my keyboard. So, I guess one of the little ones (probably Isaac) decided that it would be a good idea to take the top off the glue and pour it on the floor under my desk. Now, the first thing to kick in was my “Dad Instinct” not my “Blogger Instinct”. What was the result? I grabbed a wet rag instead of my sorry camera. I just cleaned it all up and fixed myself a cup up coffee. What did I see next? Drops of glue on the floor I had just cleaned. For a moment I stared at the top of the desk in disbelief. The top of the desk was clean... Then it hit me: “Ah... the drawer... of course *sigh*” I opened the desk drawer to find it filled with glue. As I stood there mulling it over I grabbed my camera and tried to take a few pictures. Then, of course, I cleaned it up...
I suppose if I can reign in my Dad Instinct a bit I'll be able to get some of the crazy things that happen around here on camera. Still, I stand behind the idea that I'm not boring either way. It just doesn't come across in my blog. In the past eighteen months or so I've: Run a kickstarter campaign that failed. Run two that succeeded, raising over a hundred thousand dollars. Lost both the house I built with the help of my friends and family and the trailer Rachel and I bought right after Ben was born. Moved to a tropical island where we did things ranging from walking on a volcanically heated beach to swimming in a natural pool in a rain forest. I've done I don't know how many interviews (I've actually lost count) for websites and magazines. I've started working on the design of my next game project in my spare time. Really there's more than that, but that's enough to make my point.
I have a lot going on and have since I was a child. Of course, people tend to think of me as being both arrogant and conceited when I talk about myself. So, I try not to as a general rule (I fail a lot, but I try). However, if I don't talk about myself in my blog what am I supposed to talk about?
On the other hand, my excitement comes in bursts. I'll be working away on this or that without anything really cool going on and then up and move to Dominica one day. It's just the way I roll, lol. Still, during the times that nothing seems to be going on I'm thinking. Always thinking. About what? Oh, a lot of things: Religion, Science, Technology, and Politics. The future of the country, my business(es), and my family. I think about game design and development. I think about things that are and shouldn't be. I think about things that should be but aren't. At times I share portions of what I'm thinking about here and there. A few people (and I mean a very few) are actually interested. In the main, however, I just bore people, lol.
I think the conclusion has to be that I'm not boring, but that I have an aura of boring that masks the excitement that lies behind, lol. I'm not sure what I can do about it or if I should even try. You few who read my blog are interested in what our family has going on. Or you're at least interested in the pictures I put up. (I do need to make sure I have more of them each week.) So, for you guys I'll keep posting away.
I have no idea what most people blog about. I rarely read other peoples' blogs. I'm usually too busy working on what I'm working on. I have no idea what makes “good blogging”. Of course, I could only do so much either way. This blog has to represent me and my family. It has to show who we are and what we're doing. If it doesn't do that then it's not real. It would just be a fictional work made for entertainment. I've done a lot of things, but I've never been a sitcom writer and I don't plan to try to start a career as one with this blog.
So, at the end of the day it may just be a case of “I'm not boring, I just look that way.” If that's bad for business I'll have to hire a publicist to help me look cooler to the public, lol.
Anyways, that's enough of my mad ramblings for this week. Hopefully you didn't fall asleep while you were reading it :)
Just a quick news update: The weather stank last week. Rachel and the kids are great. Alec has pushed through to get his school done so he can spend a couple of months at his grandparents. Work is going very well and the guys from the publisher are supposed to head to the Wastelands Interactive office next week. As is usually the case there's a lot going on. Thank the Lord, almost all of it is going great :)
Anyways, as usual, goodnight from South Carolina!
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