Well, this is my 200th post! This is certainly the longest I've ever stuck with anything like this. I'm slowly getting into the habit of blogging. It's taken me a lot longer than some people, but it's not the kind of thing I naturally get into. Either way, I plan to keep it up. And I hope that soon it's going to be a lot more interesting.
You see, as soon as we've got the money to travel a bit we're going to go see some things. (So, yea, I talk about this a lot. I think about it a lot!) First on the list is Dominica! Yes, yes, we've already been there, but we've got family and friends we want to see. It's been around eight months since we left and we're hoping to be able to head back that way in about eight more months. So, we've reach the halfway mark already. It's funny because the kids have started talking about it more and more. In fact, Felicity walked in the living room earlier this week and said “I'm ready to go back to Dominica.” (She actually said “Domimica”, but I knew what she meant, lol.) I relied, “You do?”, to which she replied “Yea. I'm going to go pack my suitcase. And I can pack Isaac's too.”
When we finally get back I plan to take a least a month off. I mean, Dominica is awesome even if you have to work, but I imagine it's even better if you can actually vacation. (I have to imagine because last time I didn't get a chance to find out, lol.) I want to go back to Emerald Pool. I want to go to a beach on the Atlantic side. I want to finish my trip over the mountain next to Soufriere and head down into Grand Bay. (Then I'll catch the bus to Roseau. I don't plan to walk back, lol.) The point is that I want to take a month and see everything on the island and have a real goof off. I've been working on Worlds of Magic for over two years now. By the time the game is released that's going to have been close to three years. I want a vacation...
I'm also looking forward to having a little more money when we go back. Not for souvenirs or anything like that. We got the best kind of souvenirs you can have. We have great memories of a wonderful adventure we got to share with new family members. Plus we have loads of pictures that look like they belong in a vacation magazine. And that's in spite of the fact that I took most of them with a crappy camera. Speaking of which, here are some pictures:
Anyways, the reason I want to have a little more money is for beef! And ham! And bacon! And whatever other grocery items we want. A lot of food is cheaper in Dominica than here in the US. You can get as much sugar and flour as you want for practically nothing. Fresh fruit is literally growing on the trees year round. However, meat is where they get you. It's not that it's super high priced, it's just that it costs more than the other staples. Last time we were basically broke the whole time we were there. It was great and made things even more full of adventure. Next time, however, I want them more full of meat, lol.
This post started off with what I've been thinking about and is probably going to continue in that vein, so let me give you a quick update before I go on: Rachel's great, the kids are great, work goes great, the weather is great. In short, life is great. One thing I would appreciate prayers about is getting a publisher locked into a signed agreement. A prospective publisher is coming to visit the Wastelands Interactive office the middle of next month. Depending on how that visit goes we may very well walk away with a deal. So, keep us in your prayers.
Back to our travel plans: We plan to be in Dominica from around January 7th to April 7th (or so.) From April to June we'll be in the US. Then we plan to head out again in July (if we have the money, obviously). Where do we want to go? Scotland, Ireland and Isle of Man most likely. They have a lot to offer in the way of Summer vacation. They're not as hot as the US and have even more hours of sunlight than South Carolina. They're also very beautiful. And needless to say they'll make for great photos and interesting blogging. Anyways, in October it'll be time head back to the US until January 7th 2016. Then we'll be off again. Almost certainly back to Dominica.
So, how are we going to afford all this? Well, it's a combination of things all founded on the fact that we have been very, very blessed by the Lord. First off, I work from home and my work is completely portable. So, when we go hither and yon it's not like I have to go on vacation and stop working. I'll have my work with me in a laptop bag. Second, I make a good living. I'm not a millionaire (not yet), but I do alright. (Or I did up until around seven years ago, lol.) Third, Lord willing I'm about to get a big chunk of money. That will actually make the entire process a lot less expensive.
You see, once I finally get paid for this game I should get, well, we'll just say “A generous sum”. It should be enough to get us a bit of land, a double-wide, and a solar power setup for the whole place. (In fact, it should be a lot more than that, lol.) I plan to pay cash for all of it. So, we won't have a house payment, an electric bill, or a water bill. For six months out the year we'll be living rent free. We may also be able to afford a house in Dominica. That means once we get there we won't have rent either. Just what we save on that will pay for plane tickets. However, I've got even bigger plans.
Rachel and I have talked about it and we may really look into buying a yacht. Now, that may seem like me getting dreams of grandeur, but it's not that at all. As it turns out you can get a good sized yacht (and I mean like close to 100 feet) for a good deal less than our last house (which we lost, if you remember). Now, if we could buy one outright it would pay for itself in just a few years. When we go to Dominica we can stay in it rent free. We will have to pay for diesel fuel to generate electricity, but we could get some solar panels to help out with that. It will also already have AC, a stove, a refrigerator, a freezer, a TV, etc, etc, etc. We can arrive in Dominica with a freezer full of venison and have cheap red meat for a month or two. Plus we're talking about a used yacht that's years old. If we decided to sell in in a few years it should have retained it's value. So, we'll have saved months and months of rent, as well as other expenses, and we can get our money back out of it if we decide to sell. Now, I'm not sure about taking it across the Atlantic ocean, but it's something to think about.
My real point in all this is that once this game comes out my blog should get a lot more interesting, lol. For now I've written enough. This post is a little shorter than my last few have been, but that may come as a relief to some of you, lol.
For now, goodnight from South Carolina!
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