So, we've passed the middle of January, which down here is basically the middle of the Winter (most years anyways) and that makes me happy. I'm tired of the cold and the dark and the not feeling up to going outside because I don't want to end up with a sinus infection. I often think of Dominica and the almost eternal spring down there. The kids think about it quite a bit as well. Abigail has just about been counting down the days until we go back, Ben pointed out that he was really missing it a week or so ago, and as I was carrying Felicity out to the car wrapped in a blanket today she told me “We go to Dominica all the time. We're going back to Dominica in one hundred.” (She says things are “one hundred” whenever she means they are large or a long time. For instance, she loves life one hundred, lol.) Either way, this Winter hasn't been really bad, but I'm ready for it to be over. Personally I'm counting down the days until Groundhog Day when Beauregard (the South's version of Punxsutawney Phil) will tell us whether or not we have to go through six more weeks of Winter. I for one am very ready for an early spring.
So, yea, I didn't take many pictures this week. There's not a great deal to see. I probably haven't been out of the house for four hours over the past week. We even missed Church because Titus was sick. (We also had a crazy horrible night on Saturday.) The pictures in this post are from today's D&D game. I've started playing that again both to spend even more time with the children and to help fire my imagination back up. I'm glad to say that it's working on both fronts :)
Work is going very well. We sent the new demo over to the main publisher we're considering last week. We're hoping and praying that they'll offer us a contract by the end of this week. As I've mentioned many, many times we don't really need a publisher, but I'd like one just the same. We're hoping the demo will knock their socks off. It includes a tutorial that walks the player through a number of the game's basic features. It ended up looking really good. We even showed it to a very small selection of our backers. I'm happy to say that they were very impressed.
All in all it's been a quiet week. Thank the Lord I finally got the washing machine fixed. It turned out to be a combination of a bad drain pump and a drain hose that wasn't positioned just right. I got it working Thursday (I believe) and since then Rachel has done a ton of washing. Having it fixed is also going to make using cloth diapers a lot easier. That's a blessing because it will save us a fair amount of money every month.
Rachel's back is still giving her trouble, but the chiropractor is supposed to see her again tomorrow. It's going to be a few weeks before he's got her fixed up, but at least all her problems are fixable, lol. She isn't sleeping as well as she could be which is really too bad, because Titus is having problems sleeping as well what with being sick and all. Plus Monster (the puppy) likes to start whining and barking in the middle of the night. All things considered we've had a rough few nights of sleep. I am hoping (and praying) that tonight will be better, lol.
Everything else is going well, but there's not really much to tell. I may have more to share next week and I will really try to take more pictures. For the moment, however, goodnight from South Carolina!
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