So, it's 8:32 PM. Mom Y. just called me to let me know that I had forgotten to blog. She's right and I've got to stick to my schedule or I'll forget all about it and stop blogging completely. Of course, it's a bit too bad because I'm so tired right now I feel like I'm about to fall asleep, lol. Still, it's got to be done and so I best get to it. :)
Where to start? I guess the best place to start is with the cold. The picture above is from the Weather Channel. It shows that when I got up on the 7th is was 13 degrees Fahrenheit. That's cold for us southern people. I wonder if our Dominican friends can even imagine it, lol. It was so cold, in fact, that it knocked the power out. That's another rarity around here. The power was out for more than an hour. We weren't sure how long we were going to be without heat so we ended up heading over to Mom and Dad Y's. Mom Y. started a fire (even though their power wasn't out) and she, Rachel, and most of the kids enjoyed the blaze while I went back to the house (with Ben and Alec) to check on the power. By the time I got back home it was back on (which was good considering I need it for work). The rest of the week was more mild and by last weekend I think it even got back up into the 70s. Still, it's the kind of weather than makes us miss Dominica, lol.

That's a picture of Abby's new puppy. Spike (our dog) had puppies with Mom Y's dog and we got one of the puppies. She's named him Monster because of his size. It looks like he's going to be a big one.
Sadly I forgot to take pictures most of the week. Just not a lot has been going on really. My work still goes very well and Worlds of Magic gets closer and closer to the alpha stage. There's a good chance we'll show it to the first prospective publisher in the next week or so.
Other than working on my own game I've been playing a lot of other games. I've really got to try to crawl back into the game culture if I'm going to be a professional designer. Ironically I knew a lot more about gaming when I was in my late teens than I do now. Of course, I'm slowly getting back on track. I've probably spent close to fifty hours gaming in the last week. I'm really trying to keep up that pace. I'm hoping to lay out the idea for my next game during the next three months or so. The more research I do between now and then the better. At the moment I'm focusing on World of Tanks, World of Warplanes, and Star Wars The Old Republic. I end up playing until I have a hard time thinking straight. It may be hard to believe, but I'm worn slap out, lol.
In other work related news one of my old customers has asked me to do some more work for them. In the main I've hung up my network engineering tools, but these particular customers have been very good to work with and I didn't have the heart to tell them no. So, in the next couple of weeks I am probably going to have to handle a new server installation. It's not a big, big deal, but it will take me some time.
We went to Church in Aiken this week. I did manage to remember to get some pictures of that:
Either way, I'm really worn out. I'll try to remember to handle next week's blog earlier in the week. For now, goodnight from South Carolina!
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