So, it's been almost three weeks since my last post. Things have been busier than normal and the blog just fell through the cracks. What have we been up to? Well, a number of things, really. First, I think I'll post some photos, along with explanations. To start with here's a couple of Caleb and Isaac and a caterpillar Felicity wanted me to take a picture of:
And here are three pictures of Mom Y's apple trees loaded with apples. She just wanted to show our friends in Dominica that we have plenty of fruit in South Carolina when it's the right season, lol.
The photos below were taken weekend before last. We got together with the Middletons over at Mom & Dad Y's for dinner and a shooting. That is to say I took Craig and the kids out to shoot. He had never fired a gun before, so it was a lot of fun for him and me. Kelsy and Rachel stayed up at the house talking about babies or breastfeeding or whatever it is they talk about while their husbands are out growing chest hair. I want Dilian to get to see these pictures, because if everything goes like I want I'll be able to take him shooting before way too long :)
In case the pictures didn't make it obvious enough, we had a really good time and intend to get together with the Middletons again as soon as it's feasible.
Moving on: The Aiken Church of Christ had VBS last week. “Pirates of the Caring Being” was the theme and the children loved it. I wish I had gotten some pictures. Sadly, I didn't....
Now we've come to the “business news” section of my post. Things are going very well with Worlds of Magic. My design work is almost complete and I'm down to the “tinkering” stage where I'm working on lore, polishing up details, rough number balancing, etc, etc, etc. We've pushed back the Beta until the end of July or beginning of August, just because we decided we want the game to be more “playable” before we let the testers in. A lot of Beta testers want to “play early” more than they want to “play test”. So, we're aiming to give them what they want.
Things seem to be going very well for Wastelands Interactive in general. They're publishing another game on Steam on July 4th (today). That will be their fifth and this is the first one WI didn't actually make. They're simply acting as a publisher for another developer. That's a step in a very good direction in my opinion. And what's good for WI is good for WoM and therefor good for me :)
In any event, that's enough for now. I may have more news and photos next week. For the moment, however, goodnight from South Carolina!
I wish you guys could visit. Mom Y.made fresh apple pie with some of the apples yesterday. If you're anywhere close to as good with a real gun as you are at Call of Duty you'll be a regular marksman, lol. Anyways, when I have the money I'm hoping to get you guys up here. My plan is to take you deer hunting. Of course, that will be during the fall and you'll be freezing cold, but I expect you'll still have fun :)