Saturday, June 14, 2014

Counting Down The Days

OK, so I forgot to post this Monday morning and a bit has happened between the time I wrote it and now. As a result I'm going to start with the latest news and then pick up with what I had written last week.

To begin with, my Aunt Dianne passed away this week. In point of fact, she passed away very suddenly last Sunday. She was feeling bad in the morning, so she called a neighbor who works with EMS. Shortly after that they called an ambulance and rushed her to the hospital. She died about an hour later with heart issues. It certainly underlines the fact that we're not promised tomorrow. Either way, the funeral was this past Wednesday and it was a lovely service. Dad did the eulogy and he did a really great job. He honestly is a very remarkable man in a lot of ways :)

In more lighthearted news, we went over to the Middleton's for dinner this past Tuesday. We really enjoyed it and the children had a great time. Craig is the preacher at the Aiken Church of Christ (Something about me attracts preachers. Had you noticed Josian?) and Kelsey loves children. So Craig and I can talk Bible and Rachel and Kelsey can talk babies. We're planning to hang out a bit more soon. Neither of them has every fired a gun. I hope to help them correct that some time next week, lol.

Anyways, this is what I had before other things came up: There are many times in life when we can see what we want just over the horizon. I've been very blessed because I've not only been able to see a brighter future just over the next hill, but I've marched along in a pretty bright present in the mean time. I happen to be in one of those times right now. Things are good for me at the moment. My wife, my children, and I are all in good health. We're all together and happy. And it looks like there are even better times ahead. :)

It's been almost nine months since we came back to the US and that means it's only seven months before we plan to head back to Dominica. This time I'm hoping to have a good bit more money. I love that little island, but I also love sleeping in the cool. I want to ship some A/C window units down there before we go back, lol. I also want to make sure we get a washing machine and dryer lined up before we get there this time. We go through a lot of clothes when it's just us and our kids, add in Mom and Dad E. and whatever other guests visit while we're down there and it's basically a mountain of dirty laundry each week. Rachel generally washes a few loads a day. Not having a washing machine is just no fun.

I also think I want to look into getting a car or bus or whatever we would call it. Brother Freddy is happy to give us a ride wherever we want to go whenever he can, but his work schedule can be crazy. I want to be able to hop in the car and go without having to worry about whether or not we're getting brother Freddy up after only three hours of sleep, lol. Plus I can leave the bus with Dilian when we're not down there and he can use it as a Church bus, which would probably help the Scotts Head congregation. Either way, all things considered it's worth our getting a car for down there even if we're only going to be there three months out of the year.

And here are some pictures:

In other “count down” news, Lord willing Worlds of Magic will be in “Early Access” by October. I may have explained before, but in case I didn't, early access is where you start selling a not-quite-finished game on Steam. It allows you to generate a little money and helps bring in testers for the final polish. So, I'm hoping to be able to get a check by early November. That would be a real blessing because we really need it. This will also line us up for a before-Christmas release. Needless to say, that would likely be very good for the game.

Anyways, I suppose that's enough looking forward in anticipation. The here and now is going very well. Every work day we seem to get a little closer to beta. A new alpha build of WoM should be out later this week (I'm writing this on Sunday, by the time I post this the new build may be up) and that's certainly good news. We're refining the battle board and there's now a save game feature. It's not quite finished, but Adam (the programmer who's implementing it) says it should be “fully featured” by the end of the month. All things considered we're making good progress each week.

We're supposed to be playing D&D today. So far everyone's been having a really good time. I've even gotten into the spirit of working on the campaign and that's something I haven't felt up to in years. (Believe it or not, it takes a good bit of work.) One of my “other projects” is all about role playing, so it's good for us to be getting “back in the saddle”. It helps me keep my imagination fired up.

In any event, that's enough for today. We're in a calm spell and there's not a great deal of news. I may have a little more to share next week. It all depends on how this new build goes and what we learn from play testers that can actually save their games, lol. Either way, for the moment at least, goodnight from South Carolina!

Monday, June 2, 2014

Getting Back To Work

So, here I am on a Sunday morning working away on my blog before I head off to Church. I still need to get some breakfast (which I normally forget to do on Sundays) and get a car from Mom Y. My van still has a dead transmission, so w don't have “enough car” to go around when we all have to go somewhere. I'm hoping to lay my hands on enough money to get a transmission from the Pull-A-Part soon. We pulled one for Dad E. this Friday. So he may have two vans on the road soon. Once he does I may ask to borrow one until I can get mine on the road, lol.

Anyways, I was so lazy last week I didn't even get my blog post put up. I plan to do that today, so by the time you see this one I should have posted the other. As it happens I did get some other work done this past week and Worlds of Magic as well as my other two projects are moving along well. In fact, I may have some news on one of those fronts tomorrow. On a complete side note the coffee maker has started to act odd this morning. Or maybe it's the outlet... In any event, a lot of coffee makes for an easier Sunday morning.

And here are some pictures:

And the games begin:

So yea, a 1 is a "critical failure". Gabriel managed to roll 2 simultaneously, much to Alec's dismay, lol.

The younger boys were having their own fun during our goofy D&D game :)

Those tropical looking trees are Mimosas for those of you who may never have seen them. I think there are several varieties in Dominica. The next to the last picture is a gray squirrel and the last one is a robin. :)

If you feel the quality of the photos has improved you're right! Rachel got me a new camera for $10. I like it a lot :)

Anyways, we've started a new D&D campaign since Joey Miller has gone back to Pennsylvania until August or so. I'm the DM and although we've only had one session the boys seem to be enjoying it. We're supposed to play again today (which the pictures prove we did, lol). Either way, for the moment I think I'm going to “pause” this post. I need to make sure Caleb gets ready for Church and I want to wait to finish until I have more news. :)

And we are back! The good news is that the D&D game went very well and we all had a good time. The bad news is that side project #2 has been paused. Things didn't go as we hoped (and prayed), but such is sometimes the case. I'm working to buoy my spirits and get back to my regular work on Worlds of Magic ASAP. Funnily enough the failure of side project #2 might actually lead to improvements in WoM. So, that's good anyway.

Either way, I'm feeling tired and/or lazy at the moment, so I'm going to run. I hope you enjoyed the photos! Goodnight from South Carolina!!