Well, Christmas has come and gone and it was a very merry one for the Ethridge clan (and our in-law kin). We didn't have a great deal of money for presents this year, but we were together as a family, which was something we didn't expect to be the case earlier this year. We do miss Dominica (especially on the cold rainy days), but it's nice to spend Christmas at home. That is one of the reasons we've decided to spend January through March in the Caribbean rather than December through February. I would rather have Caribbean weather during December, but not enough to miss Christmas with the family.
This post is going to have a number of pictures. Here are some of our Christmas celebration at the Yate's.
Rachel also wanted to show our Dominican friends some horses walking in front of the Dollar General as well as packs of Kool Aid for a $1.00.

The game continues to go very well and the producer is planing to meet with a prospective publisher in the next couple of weeks or so. We have very high hopes. If we can get a bit of an investment from them I should be able to get an advance. I know I've mentioned it in several posts, but it's on my mind a lot. I've made less this year than I have in the past decade (or more). It's been a long, long time since we were under this kind of financial strain. Still, it's not a big deal really. We have a large family that we all enjoy and have plenty of TV and video games to keep us busy. The Lord continues to provide for us and it's not like we really go without. It's just a matter of wanting a bit more breathing room in the budget.
Anyways, we went to Williston this Sunday. The sermon was good (as was class) and the kids had a good time. We probably increase their attendance by 25% when we show up, lol. It reminds me of our effect on the Scott's Head Church of Christ. I really wish we had a door we could walk through to get there instantly. Then we could hear Dilian preach at least one Sunday out of the month...
That brings to mind the fact that Dominica had a major flood recently. It knocked out Internet and power all over the island. In fact, I'm not sure if everything is back up and running as it should be yet. Either way, we need to be praying for them.
Here are some pictures from Church:
And here are some of us helping prepare the bonfire at the Miller's.
We plan to spend New Year's Eve at their house (as we have for the last few years). I'll try to take some pictures of that as well :)
Either way, that's enough for now. This post is almost a page long and I need to game with Joey a bit. So, for the moment at least, goodnight from South Carolina!